MCCC Staff Course Record (Minnesota) [.2211 - .2303]

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The Minnesota Common Course Catalog (MCCC) is a course classification system designed to provide uniform information about courses administered in Minnesota schools. The MCCC Staff Course Record Extract collects staff and course information for courses aligned to the MCCC.

MCCC Staff Course Record Extract Editor 

Staff Course Record - XML

Staff Course Record - CSV

Staff Course Record - HTML

Report Logic

Logic applies to K-12 and Early Education except where noted:

  • Only generates when the associated State Code (SCED Subject Area) is:
    •  lower than '81' (K-12)
    • '81' or higher (Early Education)
  • Reports all Primary Teachers and Teachers scheduled into sections in the primary term schedule within the Date Range of the extract editor from selected calendars.
    • The primary Term Schedule's Term start/end dates are used to determine the reporting population.
  • Course must be marked Active and have a SCED Course Identifier to report.
  • Section Staff are NOT reported
  • Staff members marked 'Not State Reported' do NOT report.
  • Reports a single record per section. Each staff assigned to the course reports in an instance of the 'StaffRecord' section per 'CourseSectionRecord'.
  • If Report District Wide is marked on the extract editor, all calendars report unless marked State Exclude.
  • If Inactive Courses is marked, all sections report regardless of roster.
  • Does not report for course when course is marked 'State Report Exclude' on the course editor.
  • File Naming Convention: MCCCStaffCourseRecord_StateDistrictNumberType.xml

For guidance in validating the XML file against your state's schema using a free, third-party program, see the Validating an XML File Against a Schema File article.

Report Layout


Description and Format


Unit Number

The unique four-digit number assigned to the district.

Numeric, 4 digits

System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number


Unit Type

The Minnesota Department of Education assigned two-digit district type code.

Numeric, 2 digits

System Administration > Resources > District Information > Type



The reporting year. The 2022-2023 school year reports as 2023.

Date Field, 4 characters YYYY

System Administration > Calendar > School Years > End Year


District WideIf Report District Wide is selected, reports as 000.

Numeric, 3 digits
MN State Reporting > MCCC Extracts > Staff Course Record > Report District Wide

Not dynamically stored

Site Number

The unique three-digit number assigned to the school by the Minnesota Department of Education.

Numeric, 3 digits

System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number


Vendor NameReports the vendor name, such as Infinite Campus.

Not dynamically stored

Academic Year Number

The unique number assigned to the academic year by the Minnesota Department of Education.

Numeric, 3 digits

System Administration > Calendar > School Years > MCCC Year ID


Calendar Number

The unique number assigned to the calendar by the Minnesota Department of Education.

Numeric, 3 digits

System Administration > Calendar > Schedule Structure > MCCC Calendar/Schedule ID


Term Type

The term in which the district or school uses to schedule courses. See the Term Type & Term Number Logic for options.

Alphanumeric, 2 digits

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > Term Type


Term Number

The number assigned to the term in which the course occurs. See the Term Type & Term Number Logic for options. Otherwise, report Term Sequence

Numeric, 2 digits

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > Sequence


Local Course Code

The alphanumeric identifier used by the district or school to uniquely identify each course in the local curriculum.


Scheduling > Courses > Course > Course Number


Section Code

The local code that identifies a particular section of a course that a teacher teaches a student takes. Reports the Section Number - the CalendarID.

Example: 20-123

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section 


Period Number

The number corresponding with the period in which the course is offered. If a course is offered more than one period, then more than one XML record must be submitted.

If Fixed Period Indicator is false, reports as null.

Reports as 99 if the section is scheduled on rotating days in multiple period schedules with scheduled periods that do not match (such as period 1 on day A and period 2 on day B).

Numeric, 2 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Periods


Marking Indicator

For K-12 records, this field reports as true if the course is attached to a grading task marked as State Reported and Final. Otherwise reports as false.

For Early Ed records, reports as false.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Not Dynamically Stored

Instruction Method Type

Indicates the instruction delivery method being used for the course.

Reports the 'Instruction Method Override' code value saved on the Section tab. 

  • If no code value exists in the section override field, reports the code value saved in 'Instruction Method / EE Location' on the Course level
    • Reports default value 'CR' if no value is entered in "Instruction Method / EE Location" on the Course level

See the Instruction Method Codes for options.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Course > Instruction Method

Course > Section > Instruction Method Override



Instruction Language Type

The non-English language in which the course is taught. If Null or 011, reports as blank.

Numeric, 3 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Instruction Language


Instruction Minutes Per Term

Reports the average SUM of period minutes in the section per term.

  1. Determining Term period minutes (sum all period minutes that occur on days marked as "Instruction" between the term start and end date)
    • Reports the value from Section Period Minutes Override 
    • Otherwise, if Section Period Minutes Override is NULL, reports scheduled Period Minutes * Number of Instructional Days that match the period schedule that the section is associated with (section schedule placement)
    • If Section Period Minutes is ≤ 1 , Report '1'

*Scheduling into multiple period schedules with rotating periods should be considered.

course > section > Period Minutes Override


or calculated

Fixed Period Indicator

Indicates if the course section meets in a fixed time slot.

  • If section is scheduled on rotating days in multiple period schedules with scheduled periods that do not match, False reports.
  • Else, True reports.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section Schedule Placement


File Folder Number

The folder number/license number of the educator teaching the course section. 

  1. Report Primary Teacher and Teachers.
  2. If Role = Not State Reported, do NOT report the staff member.
  3. Do NOT report Section Staff members.
  4. Ensure staff member's has taught at least one day in the term reported.
    1. If the Start Date within Term, No End Date, can be applied to all terms going forward where start date occurred.
    2. If the Start Date and End Date are not null, apply to terms where the staff range falls into term(s)
    3. If the Start Date and End Date is NULL, report for ALL terms.
  5. Reporting License Number
    1. Report credential License Number. If more than one license is found, report from the most recent within the date range where License Number is not blank.
    2. If no credential found, report employment License Number.

Numeric, 7 digits

SIS Only:

Census > Credentials > Credential Type = LC Licensure/Certification > License Number


Census > District Employment >  Employment Record > License Number

HR Enabled Sites report from Personnel Master > Qualifications > Category: LCL Licensure/Certification > Type: License > Number 




Teacher Of Record Indicator

Indicates whether the educator is responsible for awarding credit for the section.

1. Report Primary Teacher = true.

2. Teacher - If teacher has a Role = Teacher of Record, report true. 

3. Otherwise, report False.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Schedule > Courses > Course > Section > Staff History > Role


Instruction Method Codes



DefinitionK-8 or 9-12 Usage



Instruction is predominately face-to-face in a classroom setting; internet and other instructional management systems maybe employed to track grades, assignments and homework.Both
CSClassroom Self-ContainedInstruction is delivered by a single teacher and is predominately face-to-face in a classroom setting; internet maybe used as an instructional tool.  Management systems maybe employed to track grades, assignments and homework.Both
CTClassroom TeamInstruction is delivered by multiple teachers assigned to a single or multiple grade levels or content areas.Both
CCClassroom CollaborativeExternal and/or internal instructional leaders model lessons, observer and coach classroom teachers; often a purchased instructional program with substantial teacher professional development may be associated with a college or university.Both
CLClassroom LoopedOne or more teachers continue instruction with a group of students through two or more grade levels.Both
COCompletely OnlineAll instruction is delivered online.  This designation has no required face-to-face meetings.  A student may arrange meetings with small groups of classmates or the instructor.Both


Computer Program

All instruction is delivered through a computer program which may be online or from a CD-ROM.Both
DLDistance LearningDistance Learning (other than online)Both


ITV Sending

Interactive live video course.  This designation denotes the section where the instructor is present.Both


ITV Receiving

Interactive live video course.  This designation denotes the section in which students receive the course via ITV.Both



This designation denotes reduced classroom seat time and some instruction delivered online.  This designation blends online and face-to-face delivery.Both



Teacher acts as guide or mentor to student independent work.  Use this designation for scheduled courses classified according to the MCCC as Independent Study.Both



Use this designation when no other designation adequately describes the course delivery type.Both
EEEarly EducationDefault all Early Education Courses to this value to satisfy business rules.  (EE Instructional Approach is used to describe instructional method better for Early Education.)Early Education
SLSupplementalUse this designation for online courses that can be taken to replace courses offered in the enrolling district. One specific use is by state-approved online providers to indicate supplemental online courses.
This code will be deprecated in 2023-24.
DFSLDistrict Funded SupplementalDistrict funded supplemental courses.Both
SFSLState Funded SupplementalState funded supplemental courses.Both

Term Type and Term Number Logic

Term Type
Term Number
Y1Section is taught in all terms in the term schedule.
S1Section is taught in the first 2 of 4 terms, the first 3 of 6 terms, the first 4 of 8 terms, or the first 5 of 10 terms.

Section is taught in any of the following scenarios:

  • 2 terms out of 4, ending with the 3rd or 4th term.
  • 3 terms out of 6, ending with the 4th, 5th or 6th term.
  • 4 terms out of 8, ending with the 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th term.
  • 5 terms out of 10, ending with the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, or 10th.
SULast term section meetsTerm Type is SU
State Code of latest Term of SectionSequence of latest Term of SectionAny other scenario

Early Education Sub Report Layout


Description and Format


Unit Number

The unique four-digit number assigned to the district.

Numeric, 4 digits

System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number


Unit Type

The Minnesota Department of Education assigned two-digit district type code.

Numeric, 2 digits

System Administration > Resources > District Information > Type



The reporting year. The 2022-2023 school year reports as 2023.

Date Field, 4 characters YYYY

System Administration > Calendar > School Years > End Year


District WideIf Report District Wide is selected, reports as 000.

Numeric, 3 digits
MN State Reporting > MCCC Extracts > Staff Course Record > Report District Wide

Not dynamically stored

Site Number

The unique three-digit number assigned to the school by the Minnesota Department of Education.

Numeric, 3 digits

System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number


Vendor NameReports the vendor name, such as Infinite Campus.

Not dynamically stored
Site NumberIdentifies the course as District-wide (reports 000) or associated with a specific school (reports MDE School Code). 

Numeric, 3 digits
System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number


Academic Year Number

The unique number assigned to the academic year by the Minnesota Department of Education.

Numeric, 3 digits

System Administration > Calendar > School Years > MCCC Year ID


Calendar Number

The unique number assigned to the calendar by the Minnesota Department of Education.

Numeric, 3 digits

System Administration > Calendar > Schedule Structure > MCCC Schedule ID


Term Type

The term in which the district or school uses to schedule courses. See the Term Type & Term Number Logic for options.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > Term Type


Term Number

The number assigned to the term in which the course occurs. Comes from the MDE Vendor_Export.  See the Term Type & Term Number Logic for options.

Numeric, 2 digits

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > Sequence


Local Course Code

The alphanumeric identifier used by the district or school to uniquely identify each course in the local curriculum.


Scheduling > Courses > Course > Course Number


Section Code

The local code that identifies a particular section of a course that a teacher teaches a student takes. Reports the Section Number - the CalendarID.

Example: 20-123


Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section 


Period Number

The number corresponding with the period in which the course is offered. If a course is offered more than one period, then more than one XML record must be submitted.

If Fixed Period Indicator is false, reports as null.

Reports as 99 if the section is scheduled on rotating days in multiple period schedules with scheduled periods that do not match (such as period 1 on day A and period 2 on day B).

Numeric, 2 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Periods


Marking Indicator

Reports as False


Instruction Method Type

Indicates the instruction delivery method being used for the course.

Reports the 'Instruction Method Override' code value saved on the Section tab. 

  • If no code value exists in the section override field, reports the code value saved in 'Instruction Method / EE Location' on the Course level
    • Reports default value 'CR' if no value is entered in "Instruction Method / EE Location" on the Course level

See the Instruction Method Codes for options.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Course > Instruction Method

Course > Section > Instruction Method Override



Instruction Language Type

The language in which the course is taught. If Null or 011, reports as blank.

Numeric, 3 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Instruction Language


Instruction Minutes Per Term

The number of minutes of scheduled student instruction provided in the course section.

Reports average SUM of period minutes in the section per term.

  • Determining Term period minutes (sum all period minutes that occur on days marked as "Instruction" between the term start and end date)
    1. Reports Section Period Minutes Override * Instructional Days divided by the number of terms from the term schedule associated with the calendar
    2. If Section Period Minutes Override is NULL, reports scheduled Period Minutes * Instructional Days divided by the number of terms from the term schedule associated with the calendar
    3. If Section Period Minutes is ≤ 1 , Report '1'
  • Scheduling into multiple period schedules with rotating periods should be considered.

Course > Section > Period Minutes


Fixed Period Indicator

Indicates if the course section meets in a fixed time slot.

  • If section is scheduled on rotating days in multiple period schedules with scheduled periods that do not match, False reports.
  • Else, True reports.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section Schedule Placement


File Folder Number

The folder number/license number of the educator

  • Report Primary Teacher and Teachers.
  • If Role = Not State Reported, do NOT report the staff member.
  • Do NOT report Section Staff members. Ensure staff member's has taught at least one day in the term reported.
    1. Start Date within Term, No End Date, can be applied to all terms going forward where start date occurred.
    2. If Start Date and End Date are not null, apply to terms where the staff range falls into term(s)
    3. If Start Date and End Date is NULL, report for ALL terms. Reporting License Number 1. Report credential License Number. If more than one license is found, report from the most recent within the date range.
      • If no credential found, report employment License Number.

SIS only Districts

Census > Staff > District Employment > License Number

Census > Staff > Credentials > Credential Type= LC (License/Certification) > License Number

HR-enabled Districts

Personnel Master > Qualifications > Category= Licensure/Certification > Type: License > Number.




Teacher Of Record Indicator

Indicates whether the educator is responsible for awarding credit for the section.

  1. Report Primary Teacher = true.
  2. Teacher - If teacher has a Role = Teacher of Record, report true. Else report False.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Schedule > Courses > Course > Section > Staff History > Role


EE Instructional Approach Code

Code indicating the Early Education Instructional Approach.

Reports the Value entered for the Inst. Approach and Implementation. If null, reports the default value if entered. Otherwise reports as NONE. 

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Inst. Approach and Implementation

Implementation Code

Reports the Standard Code for the Inst. Approach and Implementation. If null, reports the default value if entered. Otherwise reports as X.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Inst. Approach and Implementation

Site Based InitiativeReports the Site-Based Initiative/Impl Override value from the Section, or the Site-Based Initiative and Impl. from the Course if null. 

Alphanumeric, 5 characters
Scheduling > Courses > Section > Site-Based Initiative/Impl Override; Course > Site-Based Initiative/Impl



Site Based Initiative Code

Code indicating the Site-Based Initiative that the course section is a part of.

Reports the Value entered for the Site-Based Initiative/Impl Override on the Section, if entered, or the Site-Based Initiative and Impl. from the Course if null. If both are null, reports the default value if entered. Otherwise reports as NONE. 

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Site-Based Initiative/Impl Override; Course > Site-Based Initiative/Impl



Implementation CodeReports the Standard Code entered for the Site-Based Initiative/Impl Override on the Section, if entered, or the Site-Based Initiative and Impl. from the Course if null. If both are null, reports the default value if entered. Otherwise reports as X.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters
Scheduling > Courses > Section > Site-Based Initiative/Impl Override; Course > Site-Based Initiative/Impl

