Nevada Homeless

Tool Search: Homeless

The Homeless tool records basic homeless information as well as district-defined fields. The list of homeless records is sorted by Start Date. Homeless fields that are specific to the state of Nevada are described below. 

For additional information, please visit the Homeless article.

Homeless Detail Fields

Screenshot of the Nevada Homeless Detail Editor.Homeless Detail Editor

Homeless status can be assigned to a student at any point of the enrollment period. If a student is determined Homeless at any point in the school year, the student reports as Homeless for the entire enrollment period. The amount of time the student is deemed homeless is not considered.

Primary Night Time ResidenceIndicates where a student, identified as Homeless, resides each night.  
DDoubled UpStudent is living with multiple families.
Student is living in a hotel or motel.
Student lives in a shelter, transitional house, or is in the process of joining foster care.
Student has nowhere to live/shelter themselves

Student > Learner > Homeless > Homeless >  primaryNightTime Residence


HM01 Homeless Report

Chronic Absenteeism Report
Unaccompanied Youth
Indicates the student is not in the presence of a parent or legal guardian.

Student > Learner > Homeless > Homeless >  unaccompaniedYouth

HM01 Homeless Report

Chronic Absenteeism Report