Staff Section Association (Tennessee v5.3)

Tool Search: Ed-Fi

This association indicates the course sections to which a staff is assigned.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a staff is added to a course section on Staff History.

Staff must meet the following conditions to report:

  1. Have a District Assignment record with Assignment Code is not null.
    1. Assignment must overlap the configured scope year.
  2. Staff member has an Ed-Fi ID is not null.
  3. Staff member has an Email Address is not null.
Staff member must be a Primary Teacher or Teacher with a Role mapped to an Ed-Fi Code.
Do not send records if the Calendar Exclude check box is checked.
Do not send a record if the Course is marked Inactive or Exclude.
Do not report a record if the Staff does not have an Ed-Fi ID or an Email.
Do not report if the course is in a school marked as exclude.
Course must have a State Code is not nullL.

When Start or End dates are modified on the Staff History.

  • If the start or end dates are modified on the District Assignment record or the District Assignment Record is Deleted or Added, and the staff is still aligned to the section, a resync must be completed to have all the records update
DeleteWhen a staff member is deleted from Staff History.
DeleteWhen a Role is removed from a Teacher on Staff History.

School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync Logic

This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.

NoneIf a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send.
ResyncIf a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it will be deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table.
ResyncIf a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it will be deleted from the ODS.
ResyncIf a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync will need to be done to reflect the changes.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic

This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.

Delete/PostNatural Key changes: The natural key logic from Sections and Staffs will update this resource if they change.

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.


Reports for Sections in the scope year to which the course's calendar is aligned.

  • Data will only send for years that have valid configuration.

Resource Preferences

Data Element Label

Mapping Needed

Teacher RoleClassroom Position Descriptor

Event Queue Detail

This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.

Campus TableEd-Fi ActionFields
sectionstaffhistoryPost/Put/DeleteThe primary table used for sending data for this resource.
employmentassignmentPutBegin Date, End date
termPutBegin Date, End Date
sectionstaffhistoryPutBegin Date, Role, End Date

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Staff Section Association resource.

Data Element Label

Business Requirement

Business Rules

M, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field

idThe unique identifier of the resource.

sectionReferenceA reference to the related Section resource.
  1. Reports the data that is part of the Natural Key for the Section resource.


 staffReferenceA reference to the related Staff resource.
  1. Reports the data that is part of the Natural Key for the Staff resource.


beginDateMonth, day and year of a teacher''s assignment to the section. If blank, defaults to the first day of the first grading period for the section. 
  1. Report the Staff History Start date if populated:
    • If Blank, look at the District Assignment record for the teacher for that School and report Assignment Start Date if it is on or after the lowest Term Start Date and on or before the highest Term End Date for that section that is associated with the term descriptor selected for the section based on section schedule placement.
      • If District Assignment Start Date is Prior to the lowest Term Start Date, report the lowest Term Start Date for that section that is associated with the term descriptor selected for the section based on section schedule placement.
    • If the teacher has more than 1 District Assignment record that overlaps the section, report the Start Date from the most recent District Assignment record if it is on or after the lowest Term Start Date and on or before the highest Term End Date for that section that is associated with the term descriptor selected for the section based on section schedule placement.
      • If the District Assignment Start Date is prior to the lowest Term Start date, report the lowest term Start date for that section that is associated with the term descriptor selected for the section based on section schedule placement.

Course> Section> Staff History> Start Date


Census> People> District Assignment> Start Date


System Administration> Calendar> Calendar> Terms






classroom PositionDescriptorA unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table.
  1. Primary Teacher - Reports 'Teacher of Record'.
  2. Teachers - Reports mapped Ed-Fi Code of Role.
MCourse> Section> Staff History> Rolesectionstaffhistory.role
endDate Month, day and year of the last day of a teacher''s assignment to the section. NEDM: Ending Date. 
  1. Report the Staff History End Date if populated:
    • If Blank, look at the District Assignment record for the teacher for that School and report Assignment End Date if it is on or after the lowest Term Start Date and on or before the highest Term End Date for that section that is associated with the term descriptor selected for the section based on section schedule placement.
      • Else, Report the Term End Date for that section that is associated with the term descriptor selected for the section based on section schedule placement.
    • If the teacher has more than 1 District Assignment record that overlaps the section, report the End Date from the most Recent District Assignment record if it is on or after the lowest Term Start Date and on or before the highest Term End Date for that section that is associated with the term descriptor selected for the section based on section schedule placement.
      • Else, Report the Term End Date for that section that is associated with the term descriptor selected for the section based on section schedule placement.

Course> Section> Staff History> End Date


Census> People> District Assignment> End Date




 highlyQualifiedTeacher An indication of whether a teacher is classified as highly qualified for his/her assignment according to state definition. This attribute indicates the teacher is highly qualified for this section being taught.
  1. This is optional, does not report.

percentage ContributionThe percentage of time the teacher is responsible for the student.
  1. This is optional, does not report.

teacher Student DataLinkExclusionIndicates that the student-section combination is excluded from calculation of value-added or growth attribution calculations used for a particular teacher evaluation.
  1. This is optional, does not report.




The key for School YearUse the School Year tied to the configured year to identify the End Year.MSystem Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Configuration > Connection > School YearSchoolYear.endYear



The identifier assigned to an education organization.

Reports State District Number + State School Number.

Note: Leading zeros are included to complete 7 character code.


System Administration > Resources > School

System Administration  > Resources > District Information



etagA unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource.


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Classroom Position Descriptors

Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description
Assistant TeacherAssistant Teacheruri:// Teacher
Substitute TeacherSubstitute Teacheruri:// Teacher
Support TeacherSupport Teacheruri:// Teacher
Teacher of RecordTeacher of Recorduri:// of Record