Requests and Rosters Scenarios - Video


What is Requests and Rosters?

The Requests and Rosters tool provides a means to quickly perform schedule-related tasks such as:

  • Mass-enter or delete course requests for a filtered group of students
  • Make adjustments to the status of several students on the same roster
  • Manually build a roster
  • Copy a roster to one or more other course sections

Requests and Rosters is typically used:

The scenario-based videos in this article show how to complete common scheduling-related tasks using the Requests and Rosters tool.

The Requests and Rosters tool will replace the following tools when they are removed from Campus in the .2435 release (August 2024):

  • Request Wizard
  • Roster Copy
  • Scheduling Build Constraints Wizard
  • Section Roster Batch Edit
  • Section Roster Setup

Add Course Requests

How the tool is used: Course requests are entered for students when preparing to schedule the upcoming school year. These requests help schedulers figure out how many sections of each course are needed to fulfill as many requests as possible, and requests can be reviewed to make sure that students are requesting appropriate courses per their graduation plan. This is done after calendars for the upcoming year have been created and student enrollments have been rolled forward.

Scenario: A scheduler is mass entering requests for required courses for each High School grade level.


Remove Course Requests

How the tool is used: Sometimes Course Requests are entered in error and need to be removed for a large group of students. This is done after calendars for the upcoming year have been created and student enrollments have been rolled forward.

Scenario: A scheduler needs to remove course requests for a specific course.


Copy Rosters

How the tool is used: Often, particularly at the Elementary and Middle School levels, the same group of students is scheduled into several different courses together, or a group of students that for example were in the same homeroom this year will also be in the same homeroom together in next year's calendar. This tool can be used to copy rosters from one year to the next, or between courses in an upcoming school year. This is done after calendars for the upcoming year have been created and student enrollments have been rolled forward.

Scenario: A scheduler is copying a group of students from this year's homeroom to next year's homeroom and associated courses.


Manually Build Roster

How the tool is used: Sometimes schedulers are working with a list of students that are to be manually scheduled into a course section. Requests and Rosters can be used to filter to the students on that list, then add them all to a course section at the same time. This is done after calendars for the upcoming year have been created and student enrollments have been rolled forward.

Scenario: A scheduler needs to add several students to the same section of Music.


Manually Add and Remove Students From Roster

How the tool is used: Sometimes multiple students need to be added to or removed from rosters that have already been created in the upcoming school year's calendar. This is done after calendars for the upcoming year have been created and student enrollments have been rolled forward. If working with individual students, use Walk-in Scheduler to make changes like this.

Scenario: A scheduler is making adjustments to rosters at an elementary school for the upcoming school year.


Indicate Students are Repeating or Receiving No Credit

How the tool is used: When there's a need to indicate several students in the same section are either repeating a course or taking it for No Credit, Requests and Rosters allows staff to complete this task for all the students on the same screen. This is done after calendars for the upcoming year have been created and student enrollments have been rolled forward.

Scenario: A staff member needs to indicate that several students in the same course are either repeating it or receiving no credit for taking it.


Change Start/End Dates

How the tool is used: Sometimes it's necessary to indicate that multiple students in a course section have a start and/or end date outside of the scheduled start and end dates of the course section itself. Use Walk-in Scheduler when working with individual students, for example when a student is dropping one course and adding another.

Scenario: A Middle School uses exploratory wheel courses where groups of students are scheduled into multiple shortened courses that occur consecutively within the same term. Dates for those courses need to be entered so that they don't overlap on the students' schedules for grading and attendance purposes.
