Copy Categories

Tool Search: Category Bank

Copying a Category allows you to quickly set up a new Category with the same Elements and Sub-Elements from a previously configured Category.

If you choose to keep the Rating Scale from the previously configured Category, Campus automatically copies the Rating Scale to the Evaluation Period you select.

Screenshot of Copy category

Complete the following steps to copy a Category.

  1. Select the Category you want to copy and click the Copy button.
    The Copy Category window displays.
  2. Select the Evaluation Period to which you want to assign the Category.
  3. Select one of the following options.
    1. Use Current Rating Scale. Copies the Rating Scale to the Evaluation Period you selected in step 2.
    2. Different Rating Scale. Allows you to select a Rating Scale that is already associated with the Evaluation Period.
  4. Click the Complete Copy button.
    A confirmation window displays.
  5. Click OK.
    The new Category displays in the Category group.