Student CTE Program Association Credentials (New Mexico v3.5)

Tool Search: Ed-Fi

This association represents the career and technical education (CTE) program certifications that a student earns.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


Report one record for each Career Tech Certification record a student has where the certification date overlaps the configured year and the student has an enrollment in the configured year.

  • Do not send records if the Calendar Exclude check box is checked in the calendar the student is enrolled.
  • Do not send records if the School Exclude check box is checked in the calendar the student is enrolled.
  • Do not send a record if the No Show check box is checked.
  • Do not send a record if the Passed checkbox is unchecked.

When the student's Academic Planning > Career Tech Program Certification record has changed for a student.

  • Name
  • Passed

When the date of a Career Tech Program Certification record is changed.

DeleteWhen the Career Tech Program Certification record is deleted.
DeleteIf the Career Tech Program Certification date is changed and the record no longer overlaps the configured year.

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.


The record will send to and year that the student's Career Tech Certification record overlaps with.

Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Resource Preferences

This table describes the Resource Preferences of this object.

Data Element LabelMapping Needed
Program Delivery Method Descriptor
Certification Name
IndustryCredential Descriptor
Certification Name

Object Data Elements

Data Element Labels in bold are part of the Natural Key and are required data elements for Data to send to Ed-Fi.

Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementBusiness RulesM, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field
 id The unique identifier of the resource.

The unique identifier of the resource.


Identifies the Delivery Method for a program a student is enrolled in. Valid values: CG = College Granted Certificate IS = Industry Standard Third Party Assessment.
  1. Report the Program Delivery Method Ed-Fi Code mapped based on the  Certification Name of record.  
MStudent Information > Academic Planning > Academic Program Editor > Career Tech Program - Certifications > Name  
Identifies the Industry Credential for a program a student is enrolled in.
  1. Reports the Industry Credential Ed-Fi Code mapped based on the Certification Name of record.
MStudent Information > Academic Planning > Academic Program Editor > Career Tech Program - Certifications > Name
The date the credential was earned.

School Year of the credential earned:

Report as YYYY-06-30 all records, where YYYY is the year value based on Calendar > End Date of the reporting school year in which the credential was earned.
(plus) Example: IF certification earned date is 8/26/17 (in the 17-18 school year) report as 2018-06-30)

MStudent Information > Academic Planning > Academic Program Editor > Career Tech Program - Certifications > Date

A unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource.

  1. Reports the Natural Key of the Student CTE Program Association resource along with the Student Ed-Fi Id.


A unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource