ACT ACT Assessment (Missouri)

Classic View: MO State Reporting > MOSIS Extracts > Pre-Code File > Extract Type: ACT: ACT

Search Terms: MOSIS Extracts

The ACT Pre-code File reports a record for all 11th grade students who are actively enrolled in the selected calendar(s) as of the entered Effective Date.

Screenshot of the MOSIS ACT pre-code extract editor.  MOSIS Pre-Code Extract - ACT: ACT

Report Logic

One record per 11th grade student reports. If the student has more than one primary enrollment with the same FTE and the same enrollment type in different schools, the latest school enrollment reports. The enrollment with the highest Percent Enrolled (out of 100) reports as of the effective date of report generation.

  • If there are multiple enrollments with an equal percent enrolled value, the P: Primary enrollment reports.
    • If there is no primary enrollment, the S: Partial enrollment reports.
    • If there is no partial enrollment, the N:Special Ed Services enrollment reports.
  • If there are multiple enrollments with the same date after the above logic, the enrollment with the highest enrollment ID reports.

Enrollments are included when the enrollment start date is before or equal to the entered Effective Date and enrollment end date is after or equal to the entered effective date.

Students in 11th grade are NOT included in this extract if:

  • The enrollment record is marked as No Show or State Exclude.
  • The grade level is marked as State Exclude.
  • The calendar of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.

Report Editor

The following fields are available for the Pre-Code File Extract. Some options may not appear until the Pre-Code File Extract Type is selected.



Extract Type

Indicates the type of MOSIS Extract being generated. Choose Pre-code File.

Report Protected IdentitiesWhen marked, student identity information (last name, first name, etc.) reports from the Protected Identity Information fields.
Report State Excluded StudentsWhen marked, students who meet the report population requirements but their enrollment record is marked as State Exclude report along with all other records.

When not marked, students marked as State Exclude on their enrollment record are excluded from the report.
Effective Date

Entered date is used to return students actively enrolled as of that date.

Ad hoc Filter

Selection of a filter limits the set of students to only those included in the filter.

Assessment Type

Determines the pre-code file that generates. Choose ACT: ACT.


Determines the program used to display the report. State Format is in CSV - use this option when submitting data to the state. Use the other options or data review and testing - Tab Delimited, HTML, or XML.

Calendar Selection

Indicates from which enrollments are included in the extract. At least one calendar must be selected to generate the report. Calendars can be selected by active year, school name or year.

Report Generation

The report can be generated immediately using the Generate Extract button. When there is a larger amount of data chosen (several calendars, large date range, etc.), use the Submit to Batch button, which allows the user to choose when the report is generated. See the Batch Queue article for more information.

Generate the ACT: ACT Assessment Pre-Code Extract

  1. Select the Pre-code File option from the Extract Type dropdown list.
  2. Enter the Effective Date in mmddyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date, if applicable.
  3. Mark the Report Protected Identities checkbox, if desired.
  4. Mark the Report State Excluded Students checkbox, if desired.
  5. Select an Ad hoc Filter, if applicable.
  6. Select the Assessment Type as ACT: ACT from the dropdown list.
  7. Select the desired Grade Levels to include in the extract.
  8. Select the desired Format of the extract. For submission to MOSIS, select the State Format (CSV). Select any of the other formats for data review prior to submission.
  9. Select which Calendar(s) to include report within the extract. Selecting multiple calendars may impact extract generation times and overall Campus performance.
  10. Click the Generate Extract button or the Submit to Batch button. The extract will appear in a separate window in the designated format.

Screenshot of an example of the ACT pre-code file in State format (CSV). ACT Pre-Code File - State Format (CSV)

Screenshot of an example of the ACT pre-code file in Tab Delimited format. ACT Pre-Code File - Tab Delimited Format

Screenshot of an example of the ACT pre-code file in HTML format. ACT Pre-Code File - HTML Format

Screenshot of an example of the ACT pre-code file in XML format. ACT Pre-Code File - XML Format

Report Layout

Element Name



Collection Version

Indicates the assessment type selected on the extract editor.

Collection version contains the value YYYYACT1.0AsmPre where:

  • YYYY = the reporting school year (2018, 2019, etc.)
  • XXXXXX = the assessment type selected

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Data not stored

Current School Year

The ending year of the current school year.

Date field, 4 characters (YYYY)

System Administration > Calendar >School Years > End Year


Reporting District Code

DESE-assigned 6-digit county district code for the district reporting.

The district of enrollment as of the effective date reports.

Numeric, 6 digits

System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Name


Reporting School Code

DESE-assigned 6-digit school code for the reporting school.

Reports the selected code entered on the State Reporting Fields Enrollment editor, if populated.

  • If not populated, the Calendar Type is used to determine the reported value. If the Calendar Type Code is AP: Alternative Program School, all students enrolled in that calendar report the value entered in the Residing School field on the State Reporting Enrollment editor.
  • If the Reporting School field is not populated and the Calendar Type is not AP, the School Organization Type is used. When the School Organization Type Code is AP: Alternative Program School, all students enrolled in that school report the value entered in the Residing School field on the State Reporting Enrollment editor. 
  • If the Reporting School field is not populated and the Calendar Type is not AP and the School Organization Type is not AP, the Reporting School reports from the State School Number.

Numeric, 6 digits*

*Note: while this report displays the full 6 digit school code, the state only accepts 4 and this value will need to be manually adjusted before submitting to the state.

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting  Fields > Reporting School, Residing School



System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar > Type


System Administration > Resources > School > School Org Type, State School Number



State ID

State-assigned student identifier.

Numeric, 10 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID


Local Student ID

School-assigned student identifier.

Numeric 20 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number


Last Name

Legal last name as it appears on the student's birth certificate.

When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the report editor, the student's last name reports from the Legal Last Name field if populated.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name


Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


First Name

Legal first name as it appears on the student's birth certificate.

When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the report editor, the student's first name reports from the Legal First Name field if populated.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name


Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name


Middle Name

Legal middle Name as it appears on the student's birth certificate.

When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the report editor, the student's middle name reports from the Legal Middle Name field if populated.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name


Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Middle Name



Generational indication (Jr., III, etc.) part of the name, if any.

When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the report editor, the student's middle name reports from the Legal Suffix field if populated.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Suffix


Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Suffix


Date of Birth

Student's birth date as it appears on the birth certificate.

Date field, 10 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date


Student Grade Level

Grade level of enrollment at the time data is being submitted, unless otherwise specified.

For this ACT Extract, the grade level of enrollment MUST be 11.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > General  Enrollment Information > Grade



Student's gender.

When the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the report editor, the student's gender reports from the Legal First Name field if populated.

Alphabetic, 1 character (M or F)

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender


Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender



The student's defined race/ethnicity.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity



Reports a value of ACT for all records.

Alphanumeric, 6 characters

Student Information > General > Assessments > Test Score Detail > Result


Test Method 

This field reports blank.N/A

ED First Name 

This field reports blank.


ED Last Name 

This field reports blank.



This field reports blank.



This field reports blank.



This field reports blank.


Examiner Email 

This field reports blank.