Deposit Reporter (Payments)

Tool Search: Deposit Reporter

Use the Deposit Reporter to check the status of deposits made into your district's or school’s bank accounts. This tool can also be used to calculate the total deposits for each bank for a specific date range.

After payments are processed and settled by the payment platform, the money is disbursed to your district's or school's bank accounts. These disbursements appear as deposits in the Deposit Reporter tool. The deposit amount for a date and bank account should match the amount deposited into your bank account. After payments are settled or after returns and transactions fees are processed by the payment platform, the money is disbursed to your bank account. You may see withdrawals (negative deposit amounts) from bank accounts to cover refunds and fees.

You can see all of the payments from a single deposit by selecting a payment on the Deposit Reporter. Selecting a payment displays the Deposit Detail panel

  • Negative deposits can take 5-7 business days before they have a Deposit State of Completed in Campus. Funds from a negative deposit can be withdrawn before the 5-7 days while the deposit has the status of Processing.
  • If your district’s first deposit is a negative dollar amount, that negative deposit must first complete before any subsequent deposits can complete.

Screenshot of the Deposit Reporter.Click to view larger image.  

About the Deposit Process

The deposit process runs daily before 5:45 PM Eastern Time (ET). The deposit job must complete by 6:00 PM Eastern Time (ET); otherwise, the payment platform moves the request date forward one day to ensure the deposit job has enough time to complete.

The deposit process does not run on weekends (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) or holidays.

1.Campus determines your district's account balance. When your district is processing payments, the fees associated with them and any returns/refunds you process are subtracted from your account balance when they occur. So, at the end of each business day Campus calculates the balance then requests a deposit. If your district's account balance is negative, Campus issues a negative deposit.
2.After determining the balance, Campus combines transactions with the following statuses into a deposit.
  • Completed
  • Resolved
  • Returned
  • Partial returned
  • Returnvoid
  • Transactions with a settled date
  • Transaction Fees
There is a brief delay (up to 1 hour) between the time the deposit request is made and when the deposit is processed by the payment platform.
If the deposit is...Then...
SuccessfulYou will see a deposit in your district's bank account. Keep in mind, you may see different deposit dates for one payment reference number since the deposit payment separates transaction line items.
Not SuccessfulThe deposit is canceled and recalculated the following day.

Field Descriptions

View ByYou can search for deposits according to their Deposit Request Date or Deposit Date. The Start Date and End Date fields change depending on the option you select. 
  • The Deposit Request Date is the date when Campus requested payments to be disbursed to the bank accounts.  A Deposit Request Reference number is attached to each request. The default selection is to view by Request Date.
    Screenshot showing Deposit Request Date as the View By selection.
  • The Deposit Date is the date when the payment platform deposited the funds into the district’s bank accounts.
    Screenshot showing the View By option of Deposit Date selected.
Deposit Request Start Date
Deposit Start Date
The first day on which to search for payments. This is an optional field used for narrowing the report's results.
Deposit Request End Date
Deposit End Date
The last day on which to search for payments. This is an optional field used for narrowing the report's results.
Payment Reference NumberThe ID for the payment. This number can be used to search for a specific transaction.
Export Type

Use this field to select the format in which you want to export the report. Report information can be exported as an Excel, PDF or CSV file. The exported report only includes the columns that are visible on the screen.

If you do not limit the report results using the Request/Deposit Start Date and/or the Request/Deposit End Date, the export will be limited to the last 60 days.  

Select ColumnsThe column selector allows you to choose which columns to hide or display. Click the Screenshot of the Column Selector icon.button and mark the checkbox next to the columns you want to display. Clear the checkbox next to columns you want to hide.    
Request DateThe date when Campus requested the payments to be disbursed to the bank accounts. A Deposit Request Reference number is attached to each request.
Deposit Request ReferenceThe ID the payment platform sends to Campus when Campus requests a disbursement.
Deposit DateThe date when the payment platform deposited the funds into the district’s bank accounts. A Deposit Reference number is tied to each deposit.
Deposit ReferenceIdentifies the specific deposit made by the payment platform into the district’s bank accounts.
Acct #The account to which the deposit was made.
Deposit StateThe status of the disbursement.
  • RESOLVED - This is a manual deposit. 
  • PROCESSING - Request for deposit has been made.
  • PENDING - The deposit has been created and is ready for disbursement.

Contact Campus Support if a Deposit State does not update from PENDING to PROCESSING after 24 hours.

AmountThe amount of the deposit.
You may see withdrawals (negative deposit amounts) from bank accounts to cover refunds and fees.
For amounts that do not round to the cent, Campus makes rounding adjustments by creating an Adjust Out value that ensures the total is a valid monetary value. For the next deposit within that bank account, Campus applies the removed amount as an Adjust In value before calculating the total. 
Bank ReconciliationWhen a deposit is made, it displays as one transaction in the Deposit Reporter, but a single deposit can be a total of multiple deposits. Click the Bank Reconciliation button to generate an Excel file that separates the deposit. For example, when a $300 deposit displays in the Deposit Reporter, the Bank Reconciliation file will display 2 deposits: ACH $200.00 and CC $100.00.
In the following example, notice that the Deposit Request Reference and Deposit Reference are the same; however, the Deposit Distribution Reference is unique.Sample of the Bank Reconcilation excel file, showing 2 unique distribution references, while the request and deposit reference are the same.

Deposit Detail Panel

You can see all of the payments from a single deposit by selecting a payment on the Deposit Reporter. Selecting a payment displays the Deposit Detail panel. Information on the Deposit Detail panel can be exported as a CSV file.

In the following example, Campus provides rounding adjustments (Adjust In and Adjust Out lines) to ensure the Total remains in the correct decimal value. 

Screenshot of the Deposit Detail side panel.Example Deposit Detail

Deposit Request Report

Tool Search: Deposit Reporter

The Deposit Request Report provides a summary of the Deposit Request for a specific day, week, month, or a date range and is intended to help with bank reconciliation. The report is a PDF file and includes all of the transactions in the Deposit Request, grouped by bank account, and provides a total for the transaction fees and a total for the merchant fees by Fund ID. The Gross Amount, Fees, and Net Amount are provided for each Fund ID at the end of the report.

What can I do?What do I need to know?

Generate the Report

To generate the report, click the Deposit Request Report button at the bottom of the screen, select one of the following Timing options, then click the Run button. 

Timing OptionDescriptionExample

The specific date on which you want to report. Enter or select the Deposit Request Date.

Screenshot of the Daily timing mode with the Deposit Request Date set for a single day.
WeeklyThe specific week, Monday through Friday, on which you want to report. Enter or select the date for the Monday of the week on which you want to report in the Week Of field. If you do not enter a date that falls on a Monday, Campus automatically changes the date to the first previous Monday.

Screenshot of the Weekly timing option.
MonthlyThe specific month on which you want to report. Enter or select the month and year in the Month Of field.Screenshot of the Monthly mode of the Deposit Reporter.
Date RangeThe specific dates on which you want to report. Enter or select the Start Date and End Date. The date range is limited to 60 days.Screenshot of the Date Range timing option, showing a start and end date defined.

Screenshot of the Deposit Reporter with the Deposit Request Report called out. In the side panel, the Timing mode is selected, and the Run button is called out.

Deposit Request Report Example

There are three parts to the Deposit Request Report.

Part 1 - Summary

The Summary section of the report displays the bank accounts, request date(s), and amounts. The Daily Deposit Summary displays the date you selected and all other reports display the applicable date range. 

  • The last four digits of the bank account and Bank Account ID display in the Bank Account column. 
  • The Total for the Deposit Request displays after the bank information. 
  • The Grand Total for all bank accounts displays at the bottom of the first page.
    Note: The Grand Total includes rollover amounts from the previous linked deposit. Before it is included, the rollover amount is rounded to the nearest penny (Adjust In). The excess amount is subtracted (Adjust Out) and applied to the next deposit.

Sample Daily Deposit Request Report, in summary mode, showing the deposit count and amount by account and a grand total.

Example of the Deposit Request Summary generated for a date range.Example of the Date Range Deposit Request Summary 

Part 2 - Deposit Details

The Deposit Details include the Fund ID, Fund Description, Fee type, Payer Name, Recipient, Payment Reference Number, and Amount grouped by Bank Account. The Payment Reference Number is useful if you need to manually calculate the payment from which the fee(s) originated and verify the fee allocation. There is a Grand Total at the end of this section.

Sample output of the Deposit Details section of the report, showing the fund ID and description, payer, reference number and amounts. The Adjustments and Totals show at the bottom.

Part 3 - Fund Totals

The third part of this report displays totals by Fund ID, listed in the Calculated Fund Totals or Actual Fund Totals sections. The Calculated Fund Totals section only includes payments made while the ‘Split Transaction and Service Fees’ checkbox is not checked and the Actual Fund Totals section will only include payments made while the ‘Split Transaction and Service Fees’ checkbox is checked.

The Calculated Fund Totals section will display the gross amount by Fund ID, followed by the calculated Transaction Flat Fee and Merchant Fees that belong to each Fund ID.

The Actual Fund Totals section will only display if the ‘Split Transaction and Service Fees’ checkbox has been enabled within the Payments Setup Settings. This section will display how the Transaction Flat Fee and Merchant Fees were actually split by Fund ID. The Service Fee column will also display along the top of the section since it is no longer being separated into its own Fund ID. Once enabled, the Calculated Fund Totals section will only display if there are non-split transactions included within the report.

Sample output of the third section of the report, showing the fund totals by gross amount, transaction and merchant fees, service fees charged, and the net amount.