Export/Import Categories from a CSV File

PATH: Staff Evaluations > Staff Evaluations Setup > Category Bank

PATH: Human Resources > Administration > Staff Evaluations Setup > Category Bank (HR-enabled)

The Category Bank contains the areas of responsibility for which employees are being evaluated. Use the Import and the Export to CSV buttons to quickly import new category elements.

Screenshot of the Category Bank window. The Import and Export to CSV buttons are highlighted.

Import and Export to CSV buttons on the Category Bank tab

Category Import Template

The Category Import Template provides the columns Campus requires for adding a new Category. To download a copy of the template, click the Import button then click the Category Import Template link. The importTemplate.csv file will open in Microsoft Excel.

Screenshot of the Category Import window. The Category Import Template link is highlighted.

Category Import Template Link

The following table provides the column names in the importTemplate.csv file and the Staff Evaluation Category fields they populate.

Use yes or no (case sensitive) in the import file to indicate whether a checkbox field is marked.

  • Enter yes for a marked checkbox ().
  • Enter no for a cleared checkbox ().


This Spreadsheet Column...Populates this Staff Evaluation Category Screen FieldMax Characters


categoryPeriod  Evaluation Period - The characters must match the code for an existing period.10

Observation Only (checkbox)

Use yes or no (case sensitive)

ratingScaleCode   Rating Scale - The characters must match the code for an existing rating scale.10

Category (checkbox)

Use yes or no (case sensitive)


Element (checkbox)

Use yes or no (case sensitive)


Sub-Element (checkbox)

Use yes or no (case sensitive)


Use Checkbox (Overrides rating scale) (checkbox)

Use yes or no (case sensitive)


Use Checkbox (Overrides rating scale) (checkbox)

Use yes or no (case sensitive)


Use Checkbox (Overrides rating scale) (checkbox)

Use yes or no (case sensitive)

elementCode  This field represents element Codes.10
elementDescription   This field represents element Descriptions.100

This field represents Rating Scale codes from the associated Rating Scale. The importTemplate.csv provides 5 of these fields.


This field represents Rating Scale definitions from the associated Rating Scale. The importTemplate.csv provides 5 of these fields.

The definition is optional.

subElementCode   This field represents Sub-Element Codes.10
subElementDescription   This field represents Sub-Element Code Descriptions.100
Sub-Element Rating Scale Definitions
subElementRatingDefinitionCode1This field represents Rating Scale codes from the associated Rating Scale. The importTemplate.csv provides 5 of these fields.10

This field represents Rating Scale definitions from the associated Rating Scale. The importTemplate.csv provides 5 of these fields.

The definition is optional.



PATH: Staff Evaluations > Staff Evaluations Setup > Category Bank

PATH: Human Resources > Administration > Staff Evaluations Setup > Category Bank (HR-enabled)

Importing your modified copy of the Category Import Template adds new Categories to the Category Bank.

You cannot import Categories that already exist in the Category Bank AND are already associated with an Evaluation.

  1. Click the Import button.
    The Category Import window displays.
    Screenshot of the Category Import window when browsing for a category import template.
  2. Click the Browse button.
  3. Select your modified copy of the Category Import Template and click Open.
  4. Click the Upload button.
    A confirmation message displays.
    Screenshot of the message that displays after the file import process has been completed.
  5. Click the Results button to view the importResults.csv file.

    The importResults.csv file reports the errors that may have occurred. Use the result column to sort the results.

    Screenshot of a CSV file after clicking the Results button.


PATH: Staff Evaluations > Staff Evaluations Setup > Category Bank

PATH: Human Resources > Administration > Staff Evaluations Setup > Category Bank (HR-enabled)

Exporting Categories allows you to easily modify categories with similar names and add them to a new Evaluation Period. When you export categories to a CSV file, you can edit your categories by using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software then use the Import process to update them.

  1. Click the Export to CSV button.
    The Category Export window displays.
    Screenshot of the Category Export window after clicking the Export to CSV button.
  2. Select the Evaluation Periods you want to export and click the Export button.
    The file opens in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software.