Student Demographics Race Detail (GJ) (Ohio Extract)

Tool Search: OH Extracts

The Student Demographics Race Detail reports information regarding student race and ethnicity to the state as a part of the Ohio Extract.

Screenshot of the Student Demographics Race Detail (GJ) extract editor.
Image 1: Student Demographics Race Detail (GJ) Extract Editor

Report Logic

  • If Race Ethnicity is H and one or more race checkboxes are marked, individual records for the student report based on checkbox selection.
  • If Race Ethnicity is M and one or more race checkboxes are marked, individual records for the student report based on checkbox selection.

Generating the Extract

  1. Select Student Demographic Race Detail (GJ) as the Extract Type.
  2. Select the Reporting Period to indicate when the report is being submitted.
  3. Enter a Date Range in mmddyyyy format or by clicking the calendar icons and selecting dates.These dates which determine which student enrollments are reported, based on the Start and End Dates of enrollments within the selected calendar(s). The first date defaults to 07/10 of the calendar start year.
  4. Select the Format in which the report should generate. Options are State Format (Fixed width), HTML, CSV and XML. Use HTML, CSV or XML formats for data review and verification and State Format for submission to the State.
  5. Indicate which Calendar(s) should appear in the report. Students enrolled in the selected calendar(s) are reported.
  6. Click Generate Extract to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate. If generating multiple extracts at a time (after Campus.1921), requests can only be submitted to the Batch Queue.

Users have the option of submitting a report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process will allow larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Extract Layout

Data Element

Description & Format

Campus Location

Filler 1



Sort Type

reports as GJ for this record.


Filler 2



Fiscal Year

The end year of the reporting school year.

Date field, 4 digits, YYYY

System Administration > Calendar > School Year > End Year


Reporting Period

The Reporting Period selected in the extract editor.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

OH State Reporting > OH Extracts > Student Demographics Race Detail (GJ) > Reporting Period

Not Dynamically Stored

EMIS Student ID

Identifies the student's locally assigned EMIS student ID.

Alphanumeric, 9 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Student Number


Racial Group

Identifies the racial group of the student being reported. These are the options:

  • I: American Indian or Alaska Native
  • A: Asian
  • B: Black or African American
  • W: White
  • M: Multiracial
  • H: Hispanic or Latino
  • P: Native Hawaiian or Other pacific Islander

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Census > People > Demographics > Race Detail > Racial Group
