State Edition Graduation Tool

Tool Search: Graduation

The Student Graduation tool in for State Edition users displays the earliest ninth grade enrollment information and the earliest NCLB cohort information as entered by the district.

Screenshot of the State Edition Student Graduation RecordState Edition Student Graduation Record

Read - Access and view the student Graduation tool.
Write - Add Graduation information.
Add - N/A
Delete - N/A

See the Tool Rights section below for more details on what actions can be performed with each right.

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.

Note the following:

  • State Graduation Records cannot be deleted.
  • State Graduation Records cannot be created if there is not at least one district Graduation record for the student with a grade9Date.
  • State Graduation Records cannot be published if there is no state graduation record for the student.

The District level Graduation Record contains the same fields as the State Graduation Record.

Data only displays here after it has been synced from the district. There may be instances where a student does not have data available at the state level. Once the information has been synced, the graduation information displays.

Student data that exists on the Graduation record may have been populated or entered in a couple of ways. 

  • District Imports Data to State: As part of a graduation import, Campus will calculate and populate the values for the Date First Entered the 9th Grade, NGA Cohort End Year and NCLB Cohort End Year fields for all newly imported ninth-grade enrollments at the state level.
  • District Uses State Level as Entry Method: When a user manually creates the student enrollment record at the state level, Campus will calculate and populate the values for the Date First Entered the 9th Grade, NGA Cohort End Year and NCLB Cohort End Year fields for this student at the state level. Student graduation data will NOT auto-populate from the state to the district level.

State Graduation Setup

Review users' Tool Rights, the Graduation System Preference and determine if a task for publishing graduation records needs to be added to existing Task Scheduler processes.

State Graduation System Preference

A Lock State Graduation Records system preference determines how student graduation records at the state level behave for district-linked installations.

When the preference is set to Yes, existing state graduation records are not auto-updated by new graduation records synced from districts. State Graduation records for students who do not already have those records are still created. State users can manually change the record when the district appeals changes to the student's graduation tool.

When the preference is set to No (default setting), existing state graduation records are auto-updated with new graduation records synced from districts on a regular basis.

Task Scheduler

Use the Task Scheduler to set a time when graduation data is published. Image 3 contains an example of a Daily recurring task for publishing graduation information. Users must have WRITE tool rights to publish graduation data.

TaskPrism URL Call
Send the current record with graduation SEID listed for on specific district's students
Send all state graduation records that have been modified since the last publish for all district's students

Send all of the state graduation records for students in specific districts (represented by District IDs, 23, 54 and 75, respective)

Modify the District IDs as needed.



Screenshot of the Task Scheduler to update Graduation records. Graduation Task Scheduler Entry

Edit the State Record

With proper tool rights, state users can modify the existing Earliest Grade 9 enrollment information.

  1. Select the Edit State Graduation Records icon. A State Graduation Record Editor displays.
  2. Make the necessary changes to the Grade 9 Date, the NCLB Cohort Year and the District selection.
  3. Click the Save icon when finished. The new data displays in the State Graduation Record section.

Screenshot of the Edit State Record editor. Editing State Graduation Records

Changes made by state users are not seen by district users until the change is published.

Publish State Graduation Records

Users can choose to publish just one record, publish all changed records or publish all records. Districts do not have the ability to modify published state records.

Anywhere a student has a high school enrollment, a graduation record also exists. This means that every district where the student has an enrollment record - whether active or past - receives the published state graduation record. This happens regardless of the publish option chosen.

  1. Select the Publish State Graduation Records icon. A State Graduation Record Publishing Tool displays.
  2. Select the Districts from the list that displays. This list indicates students at these districts where graduation data was modified.
  3. Determine the appropriate publish action:
    1. Publish This Record - Only the record for the selected student is published.
    2. Publish All Changed Records - All records from all students since last time data was published is updated.
    3. Publish All Records - All records that have been updated and those that have not been updated are published. 

The page processes. When finished a confirmation message displays indicating the successful publication of the information.

Screenshot of the Graduation Publishing tool. Publishing State Graduation Records

  • When creating a new student in District Edition with a graduation record, the graduation data syncs to State Edition, but the State Graduation Record does not exist until the State Edition publishes the graduation records from State Edition back down to District Edition. 
  • When State Edition publishes graduation record(s) to District Edition, the graduationSE record has a published value of 1 in the database, even if the District Edition graduation record gets updated. The District Edition graduationSE record has a published value of 1.
  • There are two reasons a District Edition graduation record would not match the State Graduation Record:
    • The District Edition made a change and the State Edition has yet to publish the changes back down to District Edition.
    • The student has another graduation record from a different district with a Date First Entered 9th Grade value with an earlier date.

GRAD Score

The Graduation-Related Analytic Data (GRAD) score summarizes a student's educational record with a single number indicating the student's likelihood of completing high school. Infinite Campus automatically calculates GRAD scores by measuring factors predictive of dropping out and factors indicative of a student's persistence to graduation. 

Lower GRAD scores mean a student has more risk factors shared with past students who dropped out of high school. Higher GRAD scores mean a student has fewer such risk factors and more risk factors shared with past students who persisted to graduation. 

GRAD Score functionality is only available for Kentucky customers.

For more information, see this section of the View Graduation Data article.

Screenshot of the GRAD Score field on the Graduation editor. GRAD Score

Additional Information

Subrights for State Graduation Data

Additional subrights are needed to modify fields on the State Graduation tool:

  • R and W rights to Modify Cohort.
  • and rights to Modify 9th Grade Start Date.
  • R and rights to Modify State Graduation Records.
  • W rights to Publish State Graduation Records.
  • R and rights to View Early Warning Percentile.

A and D rights are not necessary.

State Graduation Data in Ad hoc Reporting

The following State Edition Graduation fields are available for reporting in Ad hoc Filter Designer:

  • grade9Date
  • cohortYearNCLB
  • cohortDistrictNumber
  • cohortDistrictName
  • cohortStateBIE (only in BIE sites)

Comparing State Level Graduation Records with District Level Graduation Records

There is no available report for comparing state graduation information with district graduation information. Graduation fields can be selected in the Filter Designer to compare the information at the differing locations or to find where data is missing. Use the following fields to compare actively enrolled students' local graduation records to the state graduation record for each student:

  • student.personID
  • student.stateID
  • student.studentNumber
  • student.firstName
  • student.LastName
  • graduation.grade9Date
  • graduationSE.grade9Date
  • graduation.cohortYearNCLB
  • graduationSE.cohortYearNCLB
  • graduationSE.cohortDistrictNumber
  • graduationSE.cohortDistrictName

The report might look like this:

Screenshot of State and District Comparison report. State and District Graduation Comparison

Students BBB and CCC have a different cohort year on their state graduation record than on their district graduation record.