Other Schedules

 This tool is available as part of the Campus Learning premium offering. Visit What is Campus Learning? to learn more.

Location: Planner > Other Schedules

Use the Other Schedules option at the top of the Planner to view the schedule of other teachers in your district.

Screenshot of the Planner in Other Schedules view, with the current teacher's schedule shown on the left and another teacher's schedule on the right.

Viewing Others' Schedules in your Planner

Add teachers to the Other Teachers list by clicking Search and finding teachers to include.

Screenshot of the search modal where a teacher can search for other teachers and add their sections to their Planner view.

Searching for Other Teachers' Schedules to View

Search for teachers by Name, filtered by School or Course, or any combination of the three. Mark Select next to a teacher's name to add them to your list. Once all the teachers you'd like to add are in the Selected Teachers list, click Save to add them to your Other Teachers list.

Screenshot highlighting the Other Teachers list that displays on the right side of the screen. 

Other Teachers List

If a teacher has classes in more than one school, you have the option of indicating which of their schedules you want to view.

Click the email icon to open an email to the teacher, if they have an email address on file. To remove a teacher from your list, click the X after their name.