Gifted and Talented Students (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

 PATH: ID State Reporting > ISEE Extracts 

The Gifted and Talented Students extract reports active and inactive Gifted and Talented Students.

  • Active Gifted and Talented students have a locked PLP with a plan label of Gifted/Talented that is active during the entire reporting date range or starts during the date range and remains active.
  • Inactive Gifted and Talented students have a locked PLP that is active at least one day during the date range AND a Gifted Program Exit Date during the date range.

To report, PLPs must have a Plan Label of Gifted/Talented and are expected to include a Service with a Service Type of 26, 27, 28, 29, or 30.

Screenshot of the Gifted and Talented Students ISEE extract editor.  
 Image 1:   Gifted and Talented   (ISEE Extract Editor) 

Gifted and Talented Students Extract Logic

  • For each reportable student, one record reports for each reportable PLP:
    • A Reportable Student is one who:
      • Has at least one enrollment in the selected calendar(s) active during the reporting date range that:
        • Is not marked as No Show or State Exclude and is not in a Grade Level or Calendar marked as State Exclude and
        • Has a Service Type of P: Primary or S: Partial
    • A Reportable PLP is one that:
      • Is active during the reporting date range,
      • Has a Plan Type of Gifted and Talented and
      • Is a Locked idPLP active on at least one day in the reporting date range.
  • Should the student transition schools during the reporting year, the plan from the first school should have an End Date and a new plan should be created at the new school.
  • An Active student should only report one record per PLP unless the student has two Plans that are active and locked during the date range; i.e., the Plan is renewed/changed during the reporting period) then report one record for each plan. PLPs must have a Plan Label of "Gifted/Talented".
  • If a student has more than 10 reportable services during the date range, only the first 10 report. The "first 10" are defined as those with the earliest start date. If all have the same start date, then those with the greatest number of minutes. If all have the same number of minutes, then the first 10 codes numerically.

Report Editor Field Descriptions



Report Type

Select Gifted and Talented Students. The following ISEE extract types are also available:

Start Date

The earliest date from which data is pulled for the report. (Required)

End Date

The latest date from which data is pulled for the report. (Required)

Ad Hoc Filter

This field allows users to use an Ad hoc filter that was created in the Ad hoc Filter Designer. Only one Ad hoc filter may be selected.


The format in which the report will generate. Options include CSV (State Format) and HTML.

Select Calendars

The calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report. Can be set to display only the active year's calendars, or be sorted by school or by year.

Batch Queue

Users have the option of submitting a District Calendar report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process will allow larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Gifted and Talented Students Extract Layout


Description & Format

Campus Location


The student's unique Idaho Student Identification Number.

Numeric, 9 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID



The school where the student receives their education. Reports the Serving School Override entered on the Enrollment Status editor of the student's PLP. Otherwise reports the State School Number based on the School Name entered on the Student Demographics editor of the PLP. If School Name is not populated on the PLP, reports the State School Number based on the student's primary enrollment active on the PLP End Date or the extract End Date, whichever comes first.

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Plan > Education Plan > Serving School OR System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number



Indicates whether the student is academically gifted. Reports if the student has active service of 26: Gifted Talented: Academic during the reporting date range.

Y or N, 1 character

Student Information > PLP



Indicates whether the student is creatively gifted. Reports if the student has an active service of 29: Gifted Talented: Creativity during the reporting date range.

Y or N, 1 character

Student Information > PLP



Indicates whether the student is intellectually gifted. Reports if the student has an active service of 30: Gifted Talented: Intellectual during the reporting date range.

Y or N, 1 character

Student Information > PLP



Indicates whether the student is gifted in the area of leadership. Reports if the student ahs an active service of 28: Gifted Talented: Leadership during the reporting date range. 

Y or N, 1 character

Student Information > PLP



Indicates whether the student is gifted in the visual or performing arts.

Y or N, 1 character

Student Information > PLP



This field indicates whether the student is an active (A) or inactive (I) Gifted/Talented student. Reports as A if the student has a locked idPLP or a locked State Reporting Data Entry PLP that is active during the entire reporting date range, or starts during the date range and remains active. Otherwise reports as I.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > PLP > Documents > Education Plan > Start Date, Program Exit Date




The date the student first received services for gifted/talented students. This field reports the date from the active, locked PLP with a Plan Label of "Gifted/Talented." 

Date Field, 10 characters, MM/DD/YYYY

Student Information > PLP > Documents > Education Plan > Start Date



Identifies the earliest start date of a locked PLP with a Plan Label of "Gifted/Talented." 

Date Field, 10 characters, MM/DD/YYYY

Student Information > PLP > Documents > Education Plan > Start Date



If the student is inactive, the date they left the gifted/talented program. Reports the Plan Exit Date from the student's reportable PLP. Otherwise reports as null.

Date Field, 10 characters, MM/DD/YYYY

Student Information > PLP > Documents > Education Plan > Program Exit Date



If the student is Inactive, the reason that they are now inactive. Otherwise reports as null.

See options in the following Exit Reason Options table.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > PLP > Documents > Education Plan > Program Exit Reason


 GT Exit Reason Options




Graduate - Met Regular Requirements


Graduate - Met Reduced Requirements


Certificate of Completion/Attendance


Reached Maximum Age


Dropped Out


Transfer to Another Education Environment


No Longer Eligible for Program



12Summer Break




