My Curriculum (Planner)

This tool is available as part of the Campus Learning premium offering. Visit What is Campus Learning? to learn more.

Location: Planner > My Curriculum

The Curriculum view of the Planner shows assignments in each of your sections, based on the school and calendar options you've selected. This view gives you the opportunity to view all assignments for a given week or day and modify them as needed.

An additional option displays on the right where you can select specifically which sections display.

Screenshot of the Planner, with curriculum for the selected sections displayed in a calendar format. 

Curriculum View in the Planner

The bar for each assignment runs from the Assigned Date to the Due Date. Click on the assignment name to view and modify the assignment. Click the name of an assignment and then click Score to score an assignment from the planner.

You can also modify an assignment by clicking on it and dragging it to a new day within the same section. Dates automatically update based on your placement.

Options in Section Header

In the section header for each section, click the various options to see more information:

Buttons at the Right

Period Number, Student Count

Click on the Period #, Students: # line on a day to view a student list, which includes any scheduled absences. Print this list if desired.

Screenshot highlighting the student list that displays when the student count is clicked for a section. 

Student Attendance in the Curriculum View

Blended Learning

If your school is using Blended Learning, your roster will be divided by students who are physically in class and those who attending virtually. Each student's group is indicated with the icon and name.

Section Number and Name

Click the name of a section to open additional section options:

Screenshot of the list of tools that displays when a user click a section name. 

Section Options

RTI (Response to Intervention)

Click the RTI icon to enter an intervention delivery record from the planner (see image below). 

A teacher must have at least R(ead) tool rights to Document Sections (Student Information > Response to Intervention > General > Documents > Plan > Document Sections) in order to access the View Plan and Link to Resource links shown on the Intervention Delivery screen (see the image below).

Screenshot highlighting the RTI icon in the Planner and the Intervention Delivery modal that displays when it is clicked. 

Entering an Intervention Delivery Record through the Curriculum View