Student Hall Pass Lookup

The Scanning toolset is part of the Campus Workflow Suite.

Tool Search: Student Hall Pass Lookup

The Student Hall Pass Lookup allows administrators to create a current hall pass, add additional time to a current hall pass, or end a hall pass. This can be accessed by clicking on a student’s tile or using the search within the Hall Monitor Grid. Any comments made in the Teacher Hall Pass View will appear.

Read - Allows the user to view Student Hall Pass Lookup.
Write - Allows the user to add time to hall passes.
Add -  Allows the user to create hall passes.
Delete - Allows the user to end hall passes.

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.

Create New Hall Pass

  1. Click on the student's tile or the Search Button in the Hall Monitor Grid to find the student.
  2. Click the drop-down under Create New Hall Pass.
  3. Select the location for the new hall pass.
  4. Click the checkmark button next to the drop-down. The Time Issued, Destination, and Time Remaining will update according to the newly issued hall pass.

Add Time

  1. Click on the student's tile within the Hall Monitor Grid.
  2. Click the drop-down under Add Time.
  3. Enter the amount of time that will be given to the student.
  4. Click the checkmark button next to the drop-down. The Time Remaining will update according to the newly issued hall pass.

End Hall Pass

  1. Click on the student's tile within the Hall Monitor Grid.
  2. Click the checkmark under End Hall Pass. The hall pass will immediately end.