CRDC - COUR: Courses & Classes Questions

Tool Search: Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) > Maintain Survey Results

The following questions are part of the COUR: Courses & Classes questions for CRDC. Expand the Module Instructions section to review information regarding how course and class data is reported. 

Note: Results for the SCHR: School Characteristics module must be generated at least once for a given school prior to independently generating results for other modules. If override or calculated answers to grades in SCHR-3 are “No”, COUR: Courses & Classes will be skipped. Selecting the Exclude checkbox in SCHR-3 does not affect COUR questions.

When skip logic is provided: 

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.  
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.

Module Instructions

Expand the Module Instructions section to review information regarding how course and class data is reported.

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Report data from the 2021-22 school year. For most tables, the data reported should be as of October 1 (or the
closest school day to October 1), unless otherwise noted. This is known as a "Fall snapshot." LEAs should use the
same Fall snapshot date to report data in this module.

The count of students (middle school and high school) who passed Algebra I should be those who passed by the
end of the 2021-22 regular school year, not including intersession or summer.

For schools with block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count reported
should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first
block, and around March 1 in the second block.

When to Report Zero (0) and When to Use Blanks (i.e. Null Values)

Zeroes represent an actual count or number for fields that are applicable to a given school or LEA. Report a zero
("0") only if the LEA has collected the information and the amount to report for that field is zero. Do not report a
"0" for data not collected. Leave a field blank if the LEA does not collect data for that field, if the amount asked is
unknown, or if the question does not apply to the LEA.

Not Applicable (NA) and Zero (0) Autofills in Tables

The online tool remembers information that has been entered in other tables and modules and uses that
information to fill related tables with either a Not Applicable (NA) code or zero (0) where appropriate. For
example, if it is reported that a school does not have any female students who are EL, then other tables that ask
for counts of female students who are EL will be automatically filled with a zero.

Key Definitions

  • Advanced Mathematics college-preparatory courses cover the following topics: trigonometry,
    trigonometry/algebra, trigonometry/analytic geometry, trigonometry/math analysis, analytic geometry, math
    analysis, math analysis/analytic geometry, probability and statistics, and precalculus.
    • Trigonometry courses prepare students for eventual work in calculus, and typically include the following
      topics: trigonometric and circular functions; their inverses and graphs; relations among the parts of a
      triangle; trigonometric identities and equations; solutions of right and oblique triangles; and complex
    • Analytic geometry courses include the study of the nature and intersection of lines and planes in space.
    • Math analysis courses include the study of polynomial, logarithmic, exponential, and rational functions and their graphs; vectors; set theory; Boolean algebra and symbolic logic; mathematical induction; matrix
      algebra; sequences and series; and limits and continuity.
    • Probability and statistics courses introduce the study of likely events and the analysis, interpretation, and presentation of quantitative data.
    • Precalculus courses combine the study of trigonometry, elementary functions, analytic geometry, and math analysis topics as preparation for calculus.
  • Algebra I is a college-preparatory course that includes the study of properties and operations of the real number system; evaluating rational algebraic expressions; solving and graphing first degree equations and inequalities; translating word problems into equations; operations with and factoring of polynomials; and solving simple quadratic equations. Algebra I is a foundation course leading to higher-level mathematics courses, including Geometry and Algebra II.
  • Algebra II college-preparatory course topics typically include field properties and theorems; set theory; operations with rational and irrational expressions; factoring of rational expressions; in-depth study of linear equations and inequalities; quadratic equations; solving systems of linear and quadratic equations; graphing of constant, linear, and quadratic equations; properties of higher degree equations; and operations with rational and irrational exponents.
  • Biology college-preparatory courses are designed to provide information regarding the fundamental concepts of life and life processes. These courses include (but are not restricted to) such topics as cell structure and function, general plant and animal physiology, genetics, and taxonomy.
  • Calculus college-preparatory course topics include the study of derivatives, differentiation, integration, the definite and indefinite integral, and applications of calculus. Typically, students have previously attained knowledge of precalculus topics (some combination of trigonometry, elementary functions, analytic geometry, and math analysis).
  • Chemistry college-preparatory courses involve studying the composition, properties, and reactions of substances. These courses typically explore such concepts as the behaviors of solids, liquids, and gases; acid/base and oxidation/reduction reactions; and atomic structure. Chemical formulas and equations and nuclear reactions are also studied.
  • Computer science courses involve the study of computers and algorithmic processes, including their principles, hardware and software designs, applications, and their impact on society. They often include computer programming or coding as a tool to create things like software, applications, games, websites and electronics, managing large databases of information, legal and ethical issues involved in computer technology use, and network security. Computer science does not include using a computer to do everyday things, such as browsing the internet, use of tools like word processing, spreadsheets or presentation software, or using computers in the study and exploration of other subjects.
  • Data science courses focus on learning and gathering meaning from datasets, using methods from mathematics, statistics, computing, and other fields. Students in data science courses learn data-related skills, such as data cleaning, merging, analysis, modelling, and visualization; exposure to a wide variety of data types; and may study societal, ethical, and civic implications of data usage and analysis. Many data science courses also include coverage of the "data cycle," akin to the scientific method: 1) formulating data-related questions; 2) gathering and collecting data; 3) exploring the data; 4) analyzing the data; and 5) interpreting and communicating the results, which then leads to additional inquiry.
  • Geometry is a college-preparatory course that typically includes topics such as properties of plane and solid
    figures; deductive methods of reasoning and use of logic; geometry as an axiomatic system including the study of postulates, theorems, and formal proofs; concepts of congruence, similarity, parallelism, perpendicularity, and
    proportion; and rules of angle measurement in triangles. Geometry is considered a prerequisite for Algebra II.
  • Physics college-preparatory courses involve the study of the forces and laws of nature affecting matter, such as equilibrium, motion, momentum, and the relationships between matter and energy. The study of physics includes examination of sound, light, and magnetic and electric phenomena.
  • Single-sex academic class refers to an academic class in a co-educational school that excludes boys or girls from enrolling or otherwise participating in that class because of their sex. A class is not considered single-sex so long as it does not exclude boys or girls, even if students of only one sex, or a disproportionate number of students of one sex, enroll.
  • Teachers provide instruction, learning experiences, and care to students during a particular time period or in a
    given discipline. Teaching may be provided for students in a school classroom, in another location such as a home or hospital, and in other learning situations such as those involving co-curricular activities. It may also be provided through some other approved medium, such as television, radio, computer, the Internet, multimedia, telephone, and correspondence that is delivered inside or outside the classroom or in other teacher-student settings.
    Teachers are staff whose activities are dealing directly with the interaction with students.
    • T+-: Regular Classroom Teachers (teach Chemistry, English, mathematics, physical education,
      history, etc.); Special Education Teachers (teach special education classes to students with disabilities); General Elementary Teachers [teach self-contained classes in any of grades preschool-8 (i.e., teach the same class of students all or most of the day); team-teach (i.e., two or more teachers collaborate to teach multiple subjects to the same class of students); include preschool teachers and kindergarten teachers]; Vocational/Technical Education Teachers (teach typing, business, agriculture, life skills, home economics as well as any other vocational or technical classes); teaching principals, teaching school counselors, teaching librarians, teaching school nurses, or other teaching administrators [include any staff members who teach at least one regularly scheduled class per week (e.g., a librarian teaches a regularly scheduled class in mathematics once a week)]; teachers of ungraded students; Itinerant, Co-op, Traveling, and Satellite Teachers (teach at more than one school and may or may not be supervised by someone at your school); current Long-Term Substitute Teachers (currently filling the role of regular teachers for four or more continuous weeks); and other teachers who teach students in any of grades preschool-12. 
    • Teachers exclude: Adult Education and Postsecondary Teachers (teach only adult education or students beyond grade 12); Short-term Substitute Teachers (fill the role of regular or special education teachers for less than four continuous weeks); Student Teachers; Day Care Aides/Paraprofessionals; Teacher Aides/Paraprofessionals; and Librarians who teach only library skills or how to use the library.
  • A certified teacher is a teacher who has met all applicable state teacher certification requirements for a standard certificate. A certified teacher has a regular/standard certificate/license/endorsement issued by the state. A beginning teacher who has met the standard teacher education requirements is considered to have met state requirements even if he or she has not completed a state-required probationary period. A teacher working
    towards certification by way of alternative routes, or a teacher with an emergency, temporary, or provisional
    credential is not considered to have met state requirements.
  • Nonbinary means not exclusively male or female. Transgender students may be reported as male, female, or

Special Instructions

  • A course is considered a grouping of one or more classes covering the same content. A school may offer several different courses in a specific subject area. For example, Biology is considered a science course for the CRDC collection. A school may also offer several different Biology courses including Introductory Biology, Anatomy, Botany, Genetics, Zoology, or Microbiology.
  • A class (or section) refers to a specific group of students taking a course during a specified time, or during different times and listed on one roster that a single teacher is assigned. There may be one or more classes for each course offered at a school. For example, a school may have two classes of Biology I, one during second period and one during fourth period; and one class for Genetics, during fifth period. In this example, the school should report a total of three biology classes (two for Biology I and one for Genetics).
  • Report classes that cover the content of the course specified, even if the name of the course or class is different
    (example: Algebra I may be called Integrated Mathematics).
  • Mathematics and science courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • Computer science and data science courses include introductory and advanced courses, but do not have to be
    college-preparatory courses.
  • Do not include students scheduled to take a course, but not yet enrolled.
  • Independent study is a structured learning experience that is recognized for credit. In general, independent study courses, often conducted with instructors as mentors, enable students to explore topics related to their field(s) of interest. Independent study courses may serve as an opportunity for students to expand their expertise in a particular application, to explore a topic in greater detail, or to develop more advanced skills. Independent study does not count as a class, except for schools that provide their students independent study courses only.
  • For a school that already disaggregates student enrollment data to include nonbinary students, the nonbinary
    category in the Courses & Classes module is OPTIONAL.
  • For a school that does NOT already disaggregate student enrollment data to include nonbinary students, the
    nonbinary category in the Courses & Classes module is SKIPPED.

COUR-1: Grade 7/8 Algebra I Classes

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Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities with any grade 7-8, UG middle school age students. 

This table is about CLASSES. For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of Algebra I
classes for students in grades 7-8 (or the ungraded equivalent) enrolled in this school.

  • Report classes that cover the content of Algebra I outlined in the definition, even if the name of the course or class is not Algebra I.
  • Report classes in which students were enrolled and not classes offered.
  • Mathematics courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

Category Mapping: Algebra 1 - Grades 7 & 8

Skip Logic:

1) Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students

Count and display the total number of Algebra I courses for the data element listed.
  • Use the Course Count logic to determine the values reported.
  • Only report courses that are selected and saved in the Algebra 1 - Grades 7 & 8 category mapping for the reporting school
  • Report "0" if there is not a course that is eligible in a data element.
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to enter in values
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number

COUR-2: Grade 7 Algebra I Enrollment Indicator

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Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities with any grade 7, UG middle school age students. 

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, indicate whether the school had any students in grade 7 (or the ungraded equivalent) enrolled in Algebra I. Please select "Yes" or "No."

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Algebra I - Grade 7

Grade Levels: Grade 7

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 7, UG middle school age students

2) COUR-1. Grade 7/8 Algebra I Classes: Number of Algebra I classes for students in grades 7-8 (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0708 is > 0)

Report Yes if the school has at least 1 student enrolled in Algebra 1 in Grade 7.
  • At least 1 eligible student must be scheduled into an eligible Algebra I course
  • Use the Fall Snapshot Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grade 7
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8 category mapping
Report No if the school does not have any students enrolled in Algebra in Grade 7
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a droplist to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade

COUR-3: Grade 8 Algebra I Enrollment Indicator

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Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities with any grade 8, UG middle school age students. 

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, indicate whether the school had any students in grade 8 (or the ungraded equivalent) enrolled in Algebra I. Please select "Yes" or "No."

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Algebra I - Grades 7 &  8

Grade Levels: Grade 8

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 8, UG middle school age students

2) COUR-1. Grade 7/8 Algebra I Classes: Number of Algebra I classes for students in grades 7-8 (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0708 is > 0)

Report Yes if the school has at least 1 student enrolled in Algebra I in grade 8.
  • At least 1 eligible student must be scheduled into an eligible Algebra I course
  • Use the Fall Snapshot Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grade 8
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8 category mapping
Report No if the school does not have any students enrolled in Algebra in Grade 8
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a droplist to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name

COUR-4a: Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8

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Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities with any grades 7-8, UG middle school age students enrolled in Algebra 1. 

Enter the number of students in grades 7-8 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in Algebra I.   

  • Enter the number of students in grades 7 or 8 enrolled in Algebra I. Include ungraded middle school age students enrolled in Algebra I in the count.
  • Do not count students scheduled to take the Algebra I course, but not yet enrolled.
  • Mathematics courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on a single day at the end of the regular school year.
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on a single day at the end of the first block, and on a single day at the end of the second block. 

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year English Learners

Skip Logic:

1) Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students

2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

3) COUR-2 (SCH_ALGENR_G07_IND) and/or COUR-3 (SCH_ALGENR_G08_IND) is Yes.

Report the distinct total number of students enrolled in Algebra 1 in Grade 7 or Grade 8 using the Student Roster Count Logic. Only students who were included in the total for COUR-2 or COUR-3 can be reported in this question.
  • At least 1 eligible student must be scheduled into an eligible Algebra 1 course using the Student Roster Count logic.
  • Use the Regular School year Enrollment, Gender & Race/Ethnicity logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grade 7 or Grade 8
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Algebra I - Grade 7 or Grade 8 category mapping
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Regular School Year IDEA Students and/or Regular School Year EL Students category mappings
Report Null if the school does not have any students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 7 or Grade 8
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a droplist to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA

COUR-4b: Students Who Passed Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8

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Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities reporting greater than zero grades 7-8, UG middle school
age students enrolled in Algebra. 

Enter the number of students in grades 7-8 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were reported as enrolled in Algebra I in COUR-4a, who successfully completed (i.e., passed) Algebra I by the end of the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer.  

  • Successfully completing a course means earning a credit for the class or earning a similar passing mark.
  • Count only students who were enrolled in Algebra I as reported in COUR-4a.

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students

Skip Logic:

1) Grade 7-8, UG middle school age students

2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

3) COUR-4a. Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8: Number of students in grades 7-8 enrolled in Algebra I (SCH_ALGENR_G0708 is > 0)"

Report the distinct total number of students who passed Algebra I in Grade 7 and Grade 8 on the last using the Student Roster Count logic of the school year. Only students who were included in the total for COUR-2 or COUR-3 can be reported in this question.
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Algebra I course.
  • Use the Regular School Year Enrollment, Gender & Race/Ethnicity logic to determine if a student is eligible to report.
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grade 7 or Grade 8 on the last day of the school year.
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8 category mapping.
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Regular School Year IDEA Students and/or Regular School Year EL Students category mappings.
The student must have a passing score in at least 1 Algebra I course based on the Passing Score Indicator identified on the Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8 category mapping.
  • If Grading Task is selected as the passing score indicator count the student if they meet the following:
    • The student has a posted grade to all of the grading tasks selected and are marked as passing.
    • A passing score is when the posted score has the Passing check box checked on the score group aligned to the grading tasks.
  • If Transcript is selected as the passing score indicator count the student if they meet the following:
    • The student has a posted transcript record for the course in the reporting school year and the sum of the total number of credits earned is > or = the total # of credits on the Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8 category mapping.
    • Use the Course Number to identify matching courses from the category mapping to transcript records.
    • Sum all credits earned from all transcript records in the reporting year that having a matching course number.
If Advanced Options are saved, use the passing score indicator selected and the Advanced Options logic to count the student:
  • If more than 1 course is saved in the Course Requirement box, the student must pass all courses identified in 1 row to be counted.
  • If Grading Task is selected as the passing score indicator, the student must have a passing score for all selected grading tasks on the required courses
  • If Transcript is selected as the passing score indicator, the student must have a posted transcript record for all the courses selected in the required courses in the reporting school year and the sum of the total number of credits earned is > or = the total # of credit.  
  • If the total number of credits is added to advanced options and there are total # of credits on the pass score options, the student must meet that total number of credits entered in the advanced options
  • If there is more than 1 Course requirement row added to advanced options, the student only has to meet the requirements in 1 of the options to be reported.
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria
Report NULL if the answer for COUR-2 and COUR-3 is NULL or '0'
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value
The user will be able to select a link on a result and a side panel will display the eligible students
  • Students will only appear 1 time in the side panel even if they pass more than 1 eligible course
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA
  • A student/course combination will appear more than 1 time in the export if the course crosses multiple sections but will only be counted 1 time
  • The export looks at the current Passing Score Criteria on the Course Mapping to display students.   If this was changed after the results were generated, it is possible the results will not match the export totals.

COUR-5: Grade 8 Geometry Enrollment Indicator

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Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities with grades 7-8, UG middle school age students.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, indicate whether the school had any students in grade 8 (or the
ungraded equivalent) enrolled in Geometry. Please select "Yes" or "No."

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Geometry - Grade 8

Skip Logic:

1) Grade 8, UG middle school age students

Report Yes if the school has at least one student enrolled in Geometry in Grade 8 on the Fall Snapshot date.
  • At least 1 eligible student must be scheduled into an eligible Geometry course using the Student Roster Count logic.
  • Use the Fall Snapshot Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grade 8
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Geometry - Grade 8 category mapping
Report No if the school does not have any students enrolled in Geometry in Grade 8
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a droplist to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name

COUR-6: Student Enrollment in Geometry in Grade 8

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Instructions: For schools and justice facilities with any grade 8, UG middle school age students enrolled in Geometry.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grade 8 (or the ungraded equivalent) enrolled in Geometry.

  • Enter the number of students in grade 8 enrolled in Geometry. Include ungraded middle school age students enrolled in Geometry in the count. Do not count students scheduled to take the Geometry course, but not yet enrolled.
  • Mathematics courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Geometry - Grade 8

Grade Levels: Grade 8

Skip Logic:

1) Grade 8, UG middle school age students

2) COUR-5. Grade 8 Geometry Enrollment Indicator: School with students in grade 8 enrolled in Geometry  (SCH_GEOMENR_G08_IND is YES)

Report the distinct total number of students enrolled in Geometry in Grade 8 for each data element:
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Geometry course using the Student Roster Count logic
  • Use the Fall Snapshot Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grade 8
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Geometry - Grade 8 category mapping
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element
Report NULL if the answer for COUR-5 is NULL or No
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name

COUR-7: Classes in Mathematics Courses in High School

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Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students.

This table is about CLASSES. For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of classes for students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in this school for each mathematics course.

  • Report classes that cover the content of mathematics courses outlined in the definitions, even if the name of the course or class is not Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, advanced mathematics, or Calculus.
  • Report classes in which students were enrolled and not classes offered.
  • Mathematics courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • Mathematics courses include Advanced Placement courses and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

Category Mapping:  Algebra I - High School, Algebra II, Geometry - High School, Advanced Mathematics, Calculus

Grade Levels: Grades 9-12

Skip Logic:

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

Count and display the total number of Geometry, Algebra I, Algebra II, Advanced Mathematics and Calculus courses for the data element listed:
  • Use the Course Count logic to determine the values reported
  • Only report courses that are selected and saved in the Geometry - High School, Algebra I - High School, Algebra II, Advanced Mathematics & Calculus category mappings for the reporting school
  • Report "0" if there is not a course that is eligible in a data element
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to enter in values
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number

COUR-8a: High School Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 9 and 10

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Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities with any grade 9-10, UG high school age students reporting greater than zero classes in Algebra I.

Enter the number of students in grades 9 & 10 enrolled in Algebra I for the Regular School Year.

  • Enter the number of students in grade 9 or 10 enrolled in Algebra I. Include ungraded high school age students enrolled in Algebra I in the count.
  • Do not count students scheduled to take the Algebra I course, but not yet enrolled.
  • Mathematics courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on a single day at the end of the regular school year.
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on a single day at the end of the first block, and on a single day at the end of the second block.

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Algebra I - High School, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students

Grade Levels: Grades 9-10

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-10, Ungraded

2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

3) COUR-7.1: Number of Algebra I classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG > 0)

Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Algebra I in Grades 9 or 10 for each data element:
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Algebra I course using the Student Roster Count logic
  • Use the Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grade 9 or 10
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Algebra I - High School category mapping
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Regular School Year IDEA Students and/or Regular School Year EL Students category mappings
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA

COUR-8b: High School Students who Passed Algebra I - Grades 9 and 10

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Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities reporting greater than zero grades 9-10, UG high school age students enrolled in Algebra I.

Enter the number of students in grades 9-10 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were reported as enrolled in Algebra I in COUR-8a, who successfully completed (i.e., passed) Algebra I by the end of the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer.

  • Successfully completing a course means earning a credit for the class or earning a similar passing mark.
  • Count only students who were enrolled in Algebra I as reported in COUR-8a.

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Algebra I - High School, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students

Grade Levels: Grades 9 and 10

Skip Logic:

1) Grade 9-10, Ungraded

2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

3) COUR-8a. Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 9 & 10: Number of students in grades 9-10 enrolled in Algebra I (SCH_ALGENR_G0910 is > 0)

Report the distinct total number of students who passed Algebra I in Grades 9 or 10. Only students who were included in the total for COUR-8a can be reported in this question.
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Algebra I course using the Student Roster Count logic
  • Use the Regular School Year Enrollment, Gender & Race/Ethnicity logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grades 9, 10
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Algebra I - High School category mapping
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Regular School Year IDEA Students and/or Regular School Year EL Students category mappings
The student must have a passing score in at least 1 Algebra I course based on the Passing Score Indicator identified on the Algebra I - High School category mapping
  • If Grading Task is selected as the passing score indicator count the student if they meet the following:
    • The student has a posted grade to all of the grading tasks selected and are marked as passing
    • A passing score is when the posted score has the Passing check box checked on the score group aligned to the grading tasks
  • If Transcript is selected as the passing score indicator count the student if they meet the following
    • The student has a posted transcript record for the course in the reporting school year and the sum of the total number of credits earned is > or = the total # of credits on the Algebra I - Grades High School category mapping
    • Use the Course Number to identify matching courses from the category mapping to transcript records
    • Sum all credits earned from all transcript records in the reporting year that having a matching course number
  • If Advanced Options are saved, use the passing score indicator selected and the Advanced Options logic to count the student:
    • If more than 1 course is saved in the Course Requirement box, the student must pass all courses identified in 1 row to be counted.
    • If Grading Task is selected as the passing score indicator, the student must have a passing score for all selected grading tasks on the required courses
    • If Transcript is selected as the passing score indicator, the student must have a posted transcript record for all the courses selected in the required courses in the reporting school year and the sum of the total number of credits earned is > or = the total # of credit.  
    • If the total number of credits is added to advanced options and there are total # of credits on the pass score options, the student must meet that total number of credits entered in the advanced options
    • If there is more than 1 Course requirement row added to advanced options, the student only has to meet the requirements in 1 of the options to be reported.
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria
Report NULL if the answer to question COUR-8a is greater than '0'
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value
The user will be able to select a link on a result and a side panel will display the eligible students
  • Students will only appear 1 time in the side panel even if they pass more than 1 eligible course
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA
  • A student/course combination will appear more than 1 time in the export if the course crosses multiple sections but will only be counted 1 time
  • The export looks at the current Passing Score Criteria on the Course Mapping to display students.   If this was changed after the results were generated, it is possible the results will not match the export totals.

COUR-9a: High School Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 11 and 12

Click here to expand...

Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities with any grade 11-12, UG high school age students reporting greater than zero classes in Algebra I.

Enter the number of students in grades 11-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in Algebra I. 

  • Enter the number of students in grade 11 or 12 enrolled in Algebra I. Include ungraded high school age students enrolled in Algebra I in the count.
  • Do not count students scheduled to take the Algebra I course, but not yet enrolled.
  • Mathematics courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on a single day at the end of the regular school year.
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on a single day at the end of the first block, and on a single day at the end of the second block. 

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Algebra I - High School, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students

Grade Levels: Grades 11 and 12

Skip Logic: 

1)  Grade 11-12, Ungraded

2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

3) COUR-7.1: Number of Algebra I classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG > 0)

Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Algebra I in Grades 1 or 12 for each data element:
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Algebra I course using the Student Roster Count logic
  • Use the Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grade 11 or 12
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Algebra I - High School category mapping
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Regular School Year IDEA Students and/or Regular School Year EL Students category mappings
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA

COUR-9b: High School Students who Passed Algebra I - Grades 11 and 12

Click here to expand...

Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities reporting greater than zero grades 11-12, UG hight school age students enrolled in Algebra I.

Enter the number of students in grades 11-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were reported as enrolled in Algebra I in COUR-9a, who successfully completed (i.e., passed) Algebra I by the end of the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer.

  • Successfully completing a course means earning a credit for the class or earning a similar passing mark.
  • Count only students who were enrolled in Algebra I as reported in COUR-9a.

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Algebra I - High School, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students

Grade Levels: Grades 11 and 12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 11-12, Ungraded

2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

3) COUR-9a. Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 11 & 12: Number of students in grades 11-12 enrolled in Algebra I (SCH_ALGENR_G1112 is > 0)

Report the distinct total number of students who passed Algebra I in grades 11 or 12. Only students who were included in the total for COUR-9a can be reported in this question.
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Algebra I course using the Student Roster Count logic.
  • Use the Regular School Year Enrollment, Gender & Race/Ethnicity logic to determine if a student is eligible to report.
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grades 11, 12.
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Algebra I - High School category mapping.
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Regular School Year IDEA Students and/or Regular School Year EL Students category mappings.
The student must have a passing score in at least 1 Algebra I course based on the Passing Score Indicator identified on the Algebra I - High School category mapping.
  • If Grading Task is selected as the passing score indicator count the student if they meet the following:
    • The student has a posted grade to all of the grading tasks selected and are marked as passing.
    • A passing score is when the posted score has the Passing check box checked on the score group aligned to the grading tasks.
  • If Transcript is selected as the passing score indicator count the student if they meet the following
    • The student has a posted transcript record for the course in the reporting school year and the sum of the total number of credits earned is > or = the total # of credits on the Algebra I - Grades High School category mapping.
    • Use the Course Number to identify matching courses from the category mapping to transcript records.
    • Sum all credits earned from all transcript records in the reporting year that having a matching course number.
If Advanced Options are saved, use the passing score indicator selected and the Advanced Options logic to count the student:
  • If more than 1 course is saved in the Course Requirement box, the student must pass all courses identified in 1 row to be counted.
  • If Grading Task is selected as the passing score indicator, the student must have a passing score for all selected grading tasks on the required courses.
  • If Transcript is selected as the passing score indicator, the student must have a posted transcript record for all the courses selected in the required courses in the reporting school year and the sum of the total number of credits earned is > or = the total # of credit.  
  • If the total number of credits is added to advanced options and there are total # of credits on the pass score options, the student must meet that total number of credits entered in the advanced options.
  • If there is more than 1 Course requirement row added to advanced options, the student only has to meet the requirements in 1 of the options to be reported.
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria.
Report NULL if the answer to question COUR-9a is greater than '0'.
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value.
The user will be able to select a link on a result and a side panel will display the eligible students.
  • Students will only appear 1 time in the side panel even if they pass more than 1 eligible course.
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA
  • A student/course combination will appear more than 1 time in the export if the course crosses multiple sections but will only be counted 1 time.
  • The export looks at the current Passing Score Criteria on the Course Mapping to display students.   If this was changed after the results were generated, it is possible the results will not match the export totals.

COUR-10: Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Geometry

Click here to expand...

Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students reporting greater than zero high school geometry classes.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in Geometry.

  • Do not count students scheduled to take the listed course, but who are not yet enrolled.
  • A student may be counted in more than one of the Mathematics Courses in High School tables if they are taking more than one of these courses.
  • Mathematics courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • Mathematics courses include Advanced Placement courses and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1). For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Geometry - High School, Fall Snapshot IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot EL Students

Grade Levels: Grades 9-12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

3) COUR-7.2: Number of Geometry classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_GEOM > 0)

Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in geometry in grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Geometry course using the Student Roster Count logic.
  • Use the Fall Snapshot Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report.
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grade 9, 10, 11 or 12.
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Geometry - High School category mapping.
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Fall Snapshot IDEA Students and/or Fall Snapshot EL Students category mappings.
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element.
Report NULL if the answer for question COUR-7, Geometry is '0'.
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value.
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA

COUR-11: Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Algebra II

Click here to expand...

Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students reporting greater than zero high school Algebra II classes.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in Algebra II.

  • Do not count students scheduled to take the listed course, but who are not yet enrolled.
  • A student may be counted in more than one of the Mathematics Courses in High School tables if they are taking more than one of these courses.
  • Mathematics courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • Mathematics courses include Advanced Placement courses and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1). For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Algebra II, Fall Snapshot date IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot date EL Students

Grade Levels: Grades 9-12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

3) COUR-7.3: Number of Algebra II classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2 > 0)

Report the total number of district students enrolled in Algebra II in grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Algebra II course using the Student Roster Count logic.
  • Use the Fall Snapshot Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report.
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grade 9, 10, 11 or 12.
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Algebra II category mapping..
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Fall Snapshot date IDEA Students and/or Fall Snapshot date EL Students category mappings.
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element.
Report NULL if the answer for question COUR-7, Algebra II is '0'.
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value.
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA

COUR-12: Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Advanced Mathematics

Click here to expand...

Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students reporting greater than zero high school advanced mathematics classes.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in advanced mathematics.

  • Do not count students scheduled to take the listed course, but who are not yet enrolled.
  • A student may be counted in more than one of the Mathematics Courses in High School tables if they are taking more than one of these courses.
  • A student enrolled in two or more advanced mathematics courses (e.g., Trigonometry and Precalculus) should be counted only once.
  • Advanced mathematics courses do not include Calculus courses. Therefore, a student enrolled in Calculus should be reported in COUR-13.
  • Mathematics courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • Mathematics courses include Advanced Placement courses and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1). For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. 

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Advanced Mathematics, Fall Snapshot date IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot date EL Students

Grade Levels: Grades 9-12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

3) COUR-7.4: Number of Advanced Mathematics classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM > 0)

Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Advanced Mathematics in grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Advanced Mathematics course using the Student Roster Count logic.
  • Use the Fall Snapshot Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Advanced Mathematics category mapping
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Fall Snapshot date IDEA Students and/or Fall Snapshot date EL Students category mappings
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element
Report NULL if the answer for question COUR-7, Advanced Mathematics is '0'
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA

COUR-13: Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Calculus

Click here to expand...

Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students reporting greater than zero high school Calculus classes.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in Calculus.

  • Do not count students scheduled to take the listed course, but who are not yet enrolled.
  • A student may be counted in more than one of the Mathematics Courses in High School tables if they are taking more than one of these courses.
  • Mathematics courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • Mathematics courses include Advanced Placement courses and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1). For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. 

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Calculus, Fall Snapshot IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot EL Students

Grade Levels: Grades 9-12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

3) COUR-7.5: Number of Calculus classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALC > 0)

Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Calculus in grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Calculus course using the Student Roster Count logic
  • Use the Fall Snapshot Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Calculus category mapping
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Fall Snapshot IDEA Students and/or Fall Snapshot EL Students category mappings
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element
Report NULL if the answer for question COUR-7, Calculus is '0'
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA

COUR-14: Classes in Science Courses

Click here to expand...

Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students.

This table is about CLASSES. For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of classes for students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) enrolled in this school for each science

  • Report classes that cover the content of science courses outlined in the definitions, regardless of the course name.
  • Report classes in which students were enrolled and not classes offered.
  • Science courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • Science courses include Advanced Placement Biology, Chemistry, and Physics courses, and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Biology, Chemistry, and Physics courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

Category Mapping:  Biology, Chemistry, Physics

Grade Levels: Grades 9-12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

Count and display the total number of Biology, Chemistry and Physics courses for the data element listed.
  • Use the Course Count logic to determine the values reported
  • Only report courses that are selected and saved in the Biology, Chemistry & Physics category mappings for the reporting school
  • Report "0" if there is not a course that is eligible in a data element
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to enter in values
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number

COUR-15: Student Enrollment in Science Courses - Biology

Click here to expand...

Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students reporting greater than zero high school Biology classes.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded
equivalent) who were enrolled in Biology.

  • Do not count students scheduled to take a course in the subject area listed, but who are not yet enrolled.
  • A student enrolled in two or more Biology courses (e.g., Botany and Genetics) should be counted only once.
  • A student may be counted in more than one of the Science Courses tables if they are taking more than one of these courses.
  • Science courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • Science courses include Advanced Placement Biology courses, and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Biology courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1). For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Biology, Fall Snapshot IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot EL Students

Grade Levels: Grades 9-12

Skip Logic:

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

3) COUR-14.1: Number of Biology classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_BIOL > 0)

Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Biology in grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Biology course using the Student Roster Count logic
  • Use the Fall Snapshot Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grade 9, 10, 11 or 12
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Biology category mapping
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Fall Snapshot IDEA Students and/or Fall Snapshot EL Students category mappings
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element
Report NULL if the answer for question COUR-14, Biology is '0'
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA

COUR-16: Student Enrollment in Science Courses - Chemistry

Click here to expand...

Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students reporting greater than zero high school Chemistry classes.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in Chemistry.

  • Do not count students scheduled to take a course in the subject area listed, but who are not yet enrolled.
  • A student enrolled in two or more Chemistry courses (e.g., Organic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry) should be counted only once.
  • A student may be counted in more than one of the Science Courses tables if they are taking more than one of these courses.
  • Science courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • Science courses include Advanced Placement Chemistry courses, and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Chemistry courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1). For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Chemistry, Fall Snapshot IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot EL Students

Grade Levels: Grades 9-12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

3) COUR-14.2: Number of Chemistry classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_CHEM > 0)

Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Chemistry in grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Chemistry course using the Student Roster Count logic
  • Use the Fall Snapshot Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Chemistry category mapping
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Fall Snapshot IDEA Students and/or Fall Snapshot EL Students category mappings
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element
Report NULL if the answer for question COUR-14, Chemistry is '0'
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA

COUR-17: Student Enrollment in Science Courses - Physics

Click here to expand...

Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students reporting greater than zero high school Physics classes.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in Physics.

  • Do not count students scheduled to take a course in the subject area listed, but who are not yet enrolled.
  • A student enrolled in two or more Physics courses (e.g., Physical Science and Conceptual Physics) should be counted only once.
  • A student may be counted in more than one of the Science Courses tables if they are taking more than one of these courses.
  • Science courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • Science courses include Advanced Placement Physics courses, and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Physics courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1). For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. 

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Physics, Fall Snapshot IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot EL Students

Grade Levels: Grades 9-12

Skip Logic:

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

3) COUR-14.3: Number of Physics classes (SCH_SCICLASSES_PHYS > 0)

Report the total number of district students enrolled in Physics in grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Physics course using the Student Roster Count logic
  • Use the Fall Snapshot Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Physics category mapping
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Fall Snapshot IDEA Students and/or Fall Snapshot EL Students category mappings
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element
Report NULL if the answer for question COUR-14, Physics is '0'
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA

COUR-18: Classes in Computer Science Courses

Click here to expand...

Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students.

This table is about CLASSES. For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of classes for students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) enrolled in this school for the computer science courses.

  • Report classes that cover the content of computer science courses outlined in the definition, regardless of the course name.
  • Report classes in which students were enrolled and not classes offered.
  • Computer science courses include introductory and advanced courses, and do not have to be collegepreparatory courses.
  • Computer science courses include Advanced Placement computer science courses, and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme computer science courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. 

Category Mapping:  Computer Science

Grade Levels: Grades 9-12

Skip Logic:

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

Count and display the total number of Computer Science courses for the data element listed.
Use the Course Count logic to determine the values reported
Only report courses that are selected and saved in the Computer Science category mappings for the reporting school
Report "0" if there is not a course that is eligible in a data element
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to enter in values
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number

COUR-19: Student Enrollment in Computer Science Courses

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Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students reporting greater than zero high school computer science classes.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in at least one computer science course.  

  • Do not count students scheduled to take a computer science course, but who are not yet enrolled.
  • A student enrolled in two or more computer science courses (e.g., Computer Science Principles and Exploring Computer Science) should be counted only once.
  • Computer science courses include introductory and advanced courses, and do not have to be college-preparatory courses.
  • Computer science courses include Advanced Placement computer science courses, and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme computer science courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1). For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Computer Science, Fall Snapshot IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot EL Students

Grade Levels: Grades 9-12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

3) COUR-18: Number of Computer Science classes (SCH_COMPCLASSES_CSCI > 0)

Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Computer Science in grades 9, 10. 11 and 12 for each data element.
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Computer Science course using the Student Roster Count logic
  • Use the Fall Snapshot Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Computer Science category mapping
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Fall Snapshot IDEA Students and/or Fall Snapshot EL Students category mappings
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element
Report NULL if the answer for question COUR-18, is '0'
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA

COUR-20: Classes in Data Science Courses

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Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students.

This table is about CLASSES. For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of classes for students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) enrolled in this school for the data science courses.

  • Report classes that cover the content of data science courses outlined in the definition, regardless of the
    course name. Report classes in which students were enrolled and not classes offered.
  • Data science courses include introductory and advanced courses, and do not have to be college-preparatory courses
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

Category Mapping:  Data Science

Grade Levels: Grades 9-12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

Count and display the total number of Data Science courses for the data element listed.
  • Use the Course Count logic to determine the values reported
  • Only report courses that are selected and saved in the Data Science category mappings for the reporting school
  • Report "0" if there is not a course that is eligible in a data element
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to enter in values
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number

COUR-21: Student Enrollment in Data Science Courses

Click here to expand...

Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students reporting greater than zero high school data science classes.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in at least one data science course.  

  • Do not count students scheduled to take a data science course, but who are not yet enrolled.
  • A student enrolled in two or more data science courses (e.g., Introduction to Data Science and Data Science Foundations) should be counted only once.
  • Data science courses include introductory and advanced courses, and do not have to be collegepreparatory courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1). For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Data Science, Fall Snapshot IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot EL Students

Grade Levels: Grades 9-12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

3) COUR-20: Number of Data Science classes (SCH_DATACLASSES_DSCI > 0)

Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Data Science in grades 9, 10, 11 or  12 for each data element.
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Data Science course using the Student Roster Count logic
  • Use the Fall Snapshot Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Data Science category mapping
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Fall Snapshot IDEA Students and/or Fall Snapshot EL Students category mappings
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element
Report NULL if the answer for question COUR-20, is '0'
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA

COUR-22: Single-Sex Academic Classes Indicator

Click here to expand...

Instructions: Only for co-educational schools and justice facilities, grades K-12, UG.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, did this school have any students enrolled in one or more single-sex academic classes?

  • Include only classes that exclude students of one sex from enrolling or otherwise participating in that class because of their sex.
  • If the school has students who receive all of their academic instruction from one teacher in one single-sex classroom, then each academic subject area taught in the classroom is considered one single-sex class. For example, a co-educational elementary school that has male students who receive mathematics, science, reading/language arts and social studies instruction from one teacher in one single-sex classroom should consider each subject area a single-sex class.
  • A physical education class is not considered an academic class.

Category Mapping:  N/A

Grade Levels: K-12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grades K-12, UG

2) ENRL-1. Student Enrollment: total male > 0 and total female > 0

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
Add the permitted values (Yes, No, Null) in the override droplist.

COUR-23: Single-Sex Academic Classes Detail

Click here to expand...

Instructions: Only for co-educational schools and justice facilities, grades K-12, UG with single-sex classes.

This table is about CLASSES. For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of single-sex academic classes in each course or subject area that had one or more students in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) enrolled.

  • Report classes that cover the content of the courses outlined in the definitions, regardless of the course name.
  • Count classes, not courses.
  • Enter the total count of classes, not the enrollment of students in those classes.
  • Include only classes that exclude students of one sex from enrolling or otherwise participating in that class because of their sex.
  • Include classes in Advanced Placement courses and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme courses.
  • If the school has students who receive all of their academic instruction from one teacher in one single-sex classroom, then each academic subject area taught in the classroom is considered one single-sex class. For example, a co-educational elementary school that has male students who receive mathematics, science, reading/language arts and social studies instruction from one teacher in one single-sex classroom should consider each subject area a single-sex class.
  • A physical education class is not considered an academic class.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.
  • Mathematics includes general mathematics courses as well as college-preparatory mathematics courses such as Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II.
  • English/reading/language arts includes general English/reading/language arts courses as well as college-preparatory English/reading/language arts courses.
  • Science includes general science courses as well as college-preparatory science courses such as Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.
  • "Other academic subjects" includes history, social studies, foreign languages, and computer science.

Category Mapping:  N/A

Grade Levels: Grades K-12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grades K-12, UG

2) COUR-22. Single-sex Academic Classes Indicator: School had students enrolled in one or more single-sex academic classes (SCH_SSCLASSES_IND is YES)

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
The Permitted values (Intger, NULL) will be allowed in the text box.