New Articles

  1. Discipline Actions (Missouri v3.6)

    Tool Search: Ed-Fi This event entity represents actions taken by an education organization after a disruptive event that is recorded as a discipline incident. Object Triggering Logic This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this obj...
  2. Student Discipline Incident Associations (Missouri v3.6)

    Tool Search: Ed-Fi This event entity represents an occurrence of an infraction ranging from a minor behavioral problem that disrupts the orderly functioning of a school or classroom (such as tardiness) to a criminal act that results in the involv...
  3. Discipline Incidents (Missouri v3.6)

    Tool Search: Ed-Fi This event entity represents an occurrence of an infraction ranging from a minor behavioral problem that disrupts the orderly functioning of a school or classroom (such as tardiness) to a criminal act that results in the involv...
  4. Gifted (North Carolina) Updated

    This article provides information on the Gifted program for North Carolina.
  5. Homeless (North Carolina)

    This article provides information on the Homeless program for North Carolina.
  6. Read to Achieve (North Carolina)

    This article provides information on entering student Read to Achieve Program for North Carolina.
  7. Digital Learning Dashboard (North Carolina)

    This article provides information on the Digital Learning Dashboard for North Carolina.
  8. CTE Student File (Oregon)

    This article provides information on generating the OR CTE Student File for Oregon districts.
  9. EIS 052 Student Club Membership Extract (Tennessee)

    This article provides information about the EIS052 Student Club Membership extract for Tennessee.
  10. Immunization Import (Minnesota) - Video

    This video covers the 3 step process used to import immunizations.