Tool Search: HSDC
The High School Data Collection (HSDC) captures student-level information that includes student demographics, high school program completion, information on how students met Maryland High School Assessment graduation requirements, College and Career Readiness Indicators, Postsecondary Readiness Indicators, and other accountability-related information.
This report collects the following information:
- Student Demographic Data
- High School Assessment Status and Scale Scores
- College and Career Readiness Data
- High School Completers Data
- Accountability Measures
HSDC Editor
Report Logic
Report Editor
Field | Description |
Start Date | The first instructional / attendance day in the calendar. |
End Date | The default date is June 30 of the current school year but can be changed. This is a required field. |
Run Date | Default value is today's date. |
File Identifier | The submission number. Allows you to enter a district defined file identification. The default ID is 001. |
Format |
ELA Transition Course Filter | Course Ad Hoc Filters are available for users to narrow report results. |
Math Transition Course Filter | Course Ad Hoc Filters are available for users to narrow report results. |
Exclude Cross-Site Data | Cross-site section enrollment data is not included in the report when checked.
Select Students |
Select Calendar(s) | The calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report. |
Generate Report Submit to Batch | Users can submit the report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to be generated in the background without disrupting the use of Campus. |
Report Layout
DE # | Element | Logic | Location | |||||||||||||||||||||
10 | LEA Number | The two-digit State designation of the LEA. Numeric, 2 digits | District Information > State District Number | |||||||||||||||||||||
20 | School Number | The four-digit code assigned to the school building.
Alphanumeric, 4 characters | School Information > Type > 99 Enrollment > Special Ed Fields > Providing School (enrollment.providingschool) Enrollment > Home School School Information > State School number (School at time of enrollment) | |||||||||||||||||||||
30 | State Assigned Student ID (SASID) | The student's state-assigned ID number. Numeric, 10 digits | Demographics > Student State ID | |||||||||||||||||||||
40 | Local Student ID Number (LASID) | The student's unique, district-assigned ID number. Numeric, 10 digits | Demographics > Student Number | |||||||||||||||||||||
50 | Last Name | The student's last name. Reports the last name from the current Identity record. Legal Last Name reports. If Legal Last Name is null, the Last Name reports. Alpha, 25 characters | Identities > Current Identity > Legal Last Name or Last Name | |||||||||||||||||||||
60 | First Name | The student's first name. Reports the first name from the current Identity record. Legal First Name reports. If Legal First Name is null, the First Name reports. | Identities > Current Identity > Legal First Name or First Name | |||||||||||||||||||||
70 | Middle Name | The student's middle name. Reports the middle name from the current Identity record. Legal Middle Name reports. If Legal Middle Name is null, the Middle Name reports. Alpha, 15 characters | Identities > Current Identity > Legal Middle Name or Middle Name | |||||||||||||||||||||
80 | Generational Suffix | Any suffix tied to the student's name. Reports the suffix from the current Identity record. If the Legal First Name and Legal Name are not null, Legal Suffix reports. If the Legal First Name and Legal Middle Name are null, Suffix reports. Alpha, 3 characters | Identities > Current Identity > Legal Suffix or Suffix | |||||||||||||||||||||
90 | Preferred Name | An alternative first name preferred by the student. Alpha, 15 characters | Identities > Current Identity > Preferred Name (Identity.alias) | |||||||||||||||||||||
100 | Date of Birth | The student's date of birth. Date field, 8 digits YYYYMMDD | Identities > Current Identity > Birth Date | |||||||||||||||||||||
110 | Grade | The two-digit number of the grade which the student is placed. Numeric, 2 digits | Enrollments > Grade | |||||||||||||||||||||
120 | Gender | The student's gender. M: Male F: Female X: Non-Binary Reports the gender from the current Identity record. Legal Gender reports. If Legal Gender is null, Gender reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Identities > Current Identity > Legal Gender or Gender | |||||||||||||||||||||
130 | Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity | Indicates whether the student is considered Hispanic/Latino. If "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino" is Yes, Y reports. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Demographics > Race Ethnicity > Is the individual Hispanic/Latino | |||||||||||||||||||||
140 | American Indian or Alaska Native | Indicates whether the student is considered American Indian or Alaska Native.
Numeric, 1 digit | Demographics > Race Ethnicity > American Indian or Alaska Native | |||||||||||||||||||||
150 | Asian | Indicates whether the student is considered Asian.
Numeric, 1 digit | Demographics > Race Ethnicity > Asian | |||||||||||||||||||||
160 | Black or African American | Indicates whether the student is considered Black or African American.
Numeric, 1 digit | Demographics > Race Ethnicity > Black or African American | |||||||||||||||||||||
170 | Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | Indicates whether the student is considered Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.
Numeric, 1 digit | Demographics > Race Ethnicity > Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | |||||||||||||||||||||
180 | White | Indicates whether the student is considered White.
Numeric, 1 digit | Demographics > Race Ethnicity > White | |||||||||||||||||||||
190 | Homelessness Status | Identifies whether the student is considered homeless. If the Homeless field is marked, Y reports. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Homeless | |||||||||||||||||||||
200 | Title I Indicator | Indicates whether the student participates in a Title 1 program. If a student has an active Title1 Flag with a state code of T1 and is marked as state reported as of the report End Date, Y reports. If student has a value in the home school field on their enrollment AND there is a school in the district with that state school code, Campus finds the school record that is active as of the End Date entered on the extract editor and reports the value from the Title 1 field on that school.
Alphanumeric, 1 character | Calculated | |||||||||||||||||||||
210 | Free/Reduced Price Meals | Indicates a student’s eligibility to receive free/reduced price meals as of the report end date or enrollment end date if the student is no longer enrolled. Migrant students report F.
Alphanumeric, 1 character | FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility | |||||||||||||||||||||
220 | Migrant | Indicates whether the student is a migrant as of the End Date selected on the extract editor. Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N | Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Migrant | |||||||||||||||||||||
230 | Foreign Exchange Student | Indicates whether the student is a foreign exchange student.
| Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Foreign Exchange | |||||||||||||||||||||
240 | Special Education | Indicates the student's special education status.
| Special Ed > Documents > IEP > Print Format is MD SPED Date > Detail Editor > Start Date, IEP Closed Date, Exit Reason Flags > Flag with a state code of 504 and marked as state reported | |||||||||||||||||||||
250 | Special Ed End Date | The date on which Special Education services ended from the most recent locked IEP (closest IEP Begin Date that occurred before the report End Date) as of the report End Date. This field is required when DE 240 - Special Education is E or 3. Date field, 8 digits YYYYMMDD | Special Ed > Documents > IEP > MD SPED Print Format > Special Ed Exit Date | |||||||||||||||||||||
260 | Special Ed Certificate | Identifies whether the student's IEP indicates the student is on track to receive a Certificate of Program Completion. Y reports when the most recent IEP has a Special Ed Start Date that is prior to or equal to the report End Date and the latest IEP Closed Date is prior to or equal to the report Run Date AND meets one of the following:
Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Special Ed > Documents > IEP > Print Format is MD SPED Date > Detail Editor > Start Date, IEP Closed Date, Exit Reason, Certificate | |||||||||||||||||||||
270 | English Learner (EL) Status | A student who has a primary or Home language other than English and who has been assessed as having limited or no ability to understand, speak, or read English. Students should be classified based on the student’s status as of the last reportable day of attendance during the reporting period identified within this record. Campus finds the student’s most recent EL record where the identified date is on or before the End Date on the extract editor.
| English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status | |||||||||||||||||||||
280 | English Learner Entry into the US Date | The date when the student began EL services or entered the U.S. for the first time. If the student has a Y or E in DE 270 (EL Status), the Date Entered US School reports. Otherwise, the identified date from the earliest EL record reports. All others report blank. Date field, 8 digits YYYYMMDD | Demographics > Date Entered US School English Learners (EL) > EL > Identified Date | |||||||||||||||||||||
290 | EL Begin Date | The date when the student began EL services or entered the U.S. for the first time. If the student has a Y or E in DE 230 (EL Services Indicator), the identified date from the student’s most recent record that meets the Y or E criteria on the EL tab reports. Date field, 8 digits YYYYMMDD | English Learners (EL) > EL > Identified Date | |||||||||||||||||||||
300 | EL End Date | The date when EL services ended. Date field, 8 digits YYYYMMDD | English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Exit Date | |||||||||||||||||||||
310 | English Learner ELA Assessment Exempt Status | Indicates the student receiving ESOL services in their first year of enrollment in a U.S. school is exempt from the PARCC English/Language Arts assessment and may substitute the required state assessment with the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ACCESS for ELs 2.0). When EL Status = Y, Y reports for student’s in their first year of enrollment in a U.S. School. Otherwise, N reports. Students are exempt if they are within 1 calendar year (365 days) of their first day enrolled in a US school. Enrollments in Puerto Rico are excluded from consideration as a U.S. School. Alphanumeric, 1 character | English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status Census > People > Demographics > Date Entered US School | |||||||||||||||||||||
320 | Foster Care Status | Indicates whether the student is in foster care. Y reports when the student has an active foster care record on the report End Date. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Foster Care | |||||||||||||||||||||
330 | Military Connected Indicator | Identifies whether the student has a parent or guardian in the military.
Otherwise, the field reports blank. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Enrollments > Military Connected Status | |||||||||||||||||||||
340 | Filler | This field reports as a blank filler field. | N/A | |||||||||||||||||||||
350 | Submission Date | The date on which the file was submitted to MSDE. Date field, 8 digits YYYYMMDD | MD State Reporting > HSDC > Run Date | |||||||||||||||||||||
360 | MHSA Math Graduation Requirement | Identifies of how the student met the MHSA Math graduation requirement. The MHSA Government Status determined by the Assessment Status Calculation tool reports. See the following Calculated Assessment Status Codes for valid values. Numeric, 2 digits | Calculated Assessment Statuses > Primary Math Assessment Status | |||||||||||||||||||||
370 | MHSA ELA Graduation Requirement | Identifies of how the student met the MHSA ELA graduation requirement. See the following Calculated Assessment Status Codes for valid values. Numeric, 2 digits | Calculated Assessment Statuses > Primary ELA Assessment Status | |||||||||||||||||||||
380 | MHSA Science Graduation Requirement | Identifies of how the student met the MHSA Science graduation requirement. See the following Calculated Assessment Status Codes for valid values. Numeric, 2 digits | Calculated Assessment Statuses > Biology Assessment Status | |||||||||||||||||||||
390 | MHSA Government Graduation Requirement | Identifies of how the student met the MHSA Government graduation requirement. See the following Calculated Assessment Status Codes for valid values. Numeric, 2 digits | Calculated Assessment Statuses > Government Assessment Status | |||||||||||||||||||||
400 | Bridge Project Status – Math | The student’s status on the Bridge Plan of Academic Validation in Math.
Alphanumeric, 1 character | Bridge Reporting > Subject Code = 04: Algebra > Project Status | |||||||||||||||||||||
410 | Bridge Project Status – ELA | The student’s status on the Bridge Plan of Academic Validation in ELA.
Alphanumeric, 1 character | Bridge Reporting > Subject Code = 01: English > Project Status | |||||||||||||||||||||
420 | Bridge Project Status – Science | The student’s status on the Bridge Plan of Academic Validation in Science.
Alphanumeric, 1 character | Bridge Reporting > Subject Code = 02: Biology > Project Status | |||||||||||||||||||||
430 | Bridge Project Status – Government | The student’s status on the Bridge Plan of Academic Validation in Government.
Alphanumeric, 1 character | Bridge Reporting > Subject Code = 03: Government > Project Status | |||||||||||||||||||||
440 | Met Local Graduation Requirements | Indicates whether the student met all local LEA requirements for graduation, excludes the MD HSA grad requirements. Y reports when a student’s Enrollment End Status is C## and the enrollment end date is on or before the End Date entered on the extract editor. This includes prior school years and the current school year. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Enrollments > End Status (begins with a “C”) | |||||||||||||||||||||
450 | High School Program Completion Status | The two-digit code referring to a student’s high school program completion. Only programs marked as "Active" are considered. Reports blank for students in grades, 9, 10, and 11. Grade 12 reports according to the following logic.
Numeric, 2 digits | Programs > Graduation Program where Code = HSDC Programs > Career Tech Program > Student Status | |||||||||||||||||||||
460 | CTE Concentrator | Indicates whether the student enrolled in a CTE Course at the Concentrator Course level for a CTE Completer Program. A Concentrator Course level means more than 50% of the CTE program sequence. Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N | Schedule Course Master > Course > CTE Concentration Course Course CIP Code must be populated. | |||||||||||||||||||||
470 | Filler | This field reports as a blank filler field. | N/A | |||||||||||||||||||||
480 | Career and Technology Education CIP Code | If the student is participating in a CTE Program, the first six digits of the Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code report from the most recent CTE program as of the end date. To report, High School Program Completion Status (DE450) must 00, 02, or 03. If multiple overlapping CTE Programs exist, this field reports from the program where the end date is null or most recently ended. Otherwise, this field reports blank. Alphanumeric, 6 characters | CTE Program Admin > Programs > Career and Tech Programs > State Code (CIP) | |||||||||||||||||||||
490 | TSA Assessment 1 Result | Description of the student’s results on the technical skills assessment (TSA). A = Attempted T = Attained N = Not Applicable Campus looks for assessments where the National Test is CTE and reports the status of the student’s most recent Career Tech Program - Certification.
If more than one Career Tech Program – Certification exists for a single Career Tech Program, the remaining TSA Assessment fields (DE #510 – #560) are used to report up to four TSA Assessments.
Alphanumeric, 1 character | Assessment > National Test > CTE Assessment > Result | |||||||||||||||||||||
500 | TSA Assessment 1 Code | The six digit code assigned to the TSA by the CTE Office. Alphanumeric, 6 digits | Assessment > National Test > CTE | |||||||||||||||||||||
510 | TSA Assessment 2 Result | The status of the student’s next most recent Career Tech Program - Certification.
Alphanumeric, 1 character | Assessment > National Test > CTE Assessment > Result | |||||||||||||||||||||
520 | TSA Assessment 2 Code | The six digit code assigned to the TSA by the CTE Office. Alphanumeric, 6 codes | Assessment > National Test > CTE Assessment > Code | |||||||||||||||||||||
530 | TSA Assessment 3 Result | The status of the student’s next most recent Career Tech Program - Certification.
Alphanumeric, 1 character | Assessment > National Test > CTE Assessment > Result | |||||||||||||||||||||
540 | TSA Assessment 3 Code | The six digit code assigned to the TSA by the CTE Office. Alphanumeric, 6 codes | Assessment > National Test > CTE | |||||||||||||||||||||
550 | TSA Assessment 4 Result | The status of the student’s next most recent Career Tech Program - Certification.
Alphanumeric, 1 character | Assessment > National Test > CTE Assessment > Result | |||||||||||||||||||||
560 | TSA Assessment 4 Code | The six digit code assigned to the TSA by the CTE Office. Alphanumeric, 6 codes | Assessment > National Test > CTE | |||||||||||||||||||||
570 | Filler | This field reports as a blank filler field. | N/A | |||||||||||||||||||||
580 | Rigorous HS Indicator – Foreign Language | Indicates whether the student earned two or more credits in the same foreign language with a grade of B or better. World Language Tracks
Y reports if the student earned two or more credits in the same foreign language with a grade of B or better; i.e., their GPA for the course is at least 3.0 using an unweighted GPA scale score associated with the course as posted to the transcript. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Course Master Information > HSDC Credit Sub-Categories Course Information > HSDC Credit Sub-Categories Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > HSDC Credit Sub-Categories Transcript > Course > GPA Scale Score | |||||||||||||||||||||
590 | Rigorous HS Indicator – Math | Indicates whether the student earned at least one credit in mathematics at a level higher than Algebra II and Geometry with a grade of B or better. Y reports if the student earned at least one credit in a course indicated as Higher Mathematics with a grade of B or better; i.e., their GPA for the course is at least 3.0 using an unweighted GPA scale score associated with the course as posted to the transcript. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Course Master Information > HSDC Credit Sub-Categories Course Information > HSDC Credit Sub-Categories Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > HSDC Credit Sub-Categories
Transcript > Course > GPA Scale Score | |||||||||||||||||||||
600 | Rigorous HS Indicator – Science | Indicates whether the student earned four science credits with a grade of B or better. Y reports if the student earned earned 4 credits with a grade of B or better in Science courses; i.e., their GPA for the courses was at least 3.0 using an unweighted GPA scale score associated with the course as posted to the transcript. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Course Master Information> HSDC Credit Sub-Categories Course Master Information > HSDC Credit Sub-Categories Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > HSDC Credit Sub-Categories
Transcript > Course > GPA Scale Score | |||||||||||||||||||||
610 | Rigorous HS Indicator – Approved Adv. Tech Ed. | Indicates whether the student earned two or more credits of approved advanced technology education with a grade of B or better. Y reports if the student earned two or more credits with a grade of B or better in courses with an HSDC Credit Sub-Category of Adv. Tech Ed; i.e., their GPA for the courses was at least 3.0 using an unweighted GPA scale score associated with the course as posted to the transcript. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Course Master Information > HSDC Credit Sub-Categories Course Information > HSDC Credit Sub-Categories Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > HSDC Credit Sub-Categories
Transcript > Course > GPA Scale Score | |||||||||||||||||||||
620 | Rigorous HS Indicator – SAT | Indicates whether the student received a combined SAT score of 1,000 or greater. To report, students must have an enrollment in the current calendar year. To report, Campus looks for assessments where the National Test is SAT and the assessment date is on or before the End Date entered on the extract editor. This includes prior school years and the current school year.
| Assessment > National Test > SAT Assessment > Subject Relevant Test Subjects 01 SAT Mathematics 02 SAT Reading & Writing | |||||||||||||||||||||
630 | Rigorous HS Indicator – ACT | Indicates whether the student received an ACT Composite Scale Score of 20 or better. To report, students must have an enrollment in the current calendar year. Y reports when a student received an ACT Composite score of 20 or better and the assessment date is on or before the End Date entered on the extract editor. This includes prior school years and the current school year. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N | Assessment >National Test > ACT Assessment > ACT Composite Scale Score | |||||||||||||||||||||
640 | Rigorous HS Indicator – GPA | Indicates whether the student has a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale. Y reports if the student has an HSDC Unweighted GPA of 3.0 or better. N reports if there are no courses posted to the transcript. Else, report N Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N | Calculated Assessment Statuses > HSDC Unweighted GPA | |||||||||||||||||||||
650 | Filler | This field reports as a blank filler field. | N/A | |||||||||||||||||||||
660 | Readiness for PS Success – AP | Indicates whether the student has a score of 3 or higher on an Advanced Placement Exam. To report, students must have an enrollment in the current calendar year. If any AP assessment has a score of 3 or higher and the assessment date is on or before the End Date entered on the extract editor, Y reports. This includes prior school years and the current school year. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Assessment > National Test > AP Assessment > Score | |||||||||||||||||||||
670 | Readiness for PS Success –IB | Indicates whether the student has a score of 4 or higher on an International Baccalaureate Program exam. To report, students must have an enrollment in the current calendar year. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Assessment >National Test > IB Assessment > Result | |||||||||||||||||||||
680 | Readiness for PS Success – SAT | Indicates whether the student met a score on the SAT of 530 or higher in math and 480 or higher in ERBW. To report, students must have an enrollment in the current calendar year. If the assessment date is on or before the End Date entered on the extract editor, then this field reports for the prior school years and the current school year for included students. Campus first determines the score from the SAT child test with a subject of SAT Mathematics.
Relevant Test Subjects
Alphanumeric, 1 character | Assessment > Subject Assessment > Score | |||||||||||||||||||||
690 | Readiness for PS Success –ACT | Indicates whether the student received an ACT Composite Scale Score of 21 or better from the parent test. To report, students must have an enrollment in the current calendar year. Y reports when a student received an ACT Composite score of 21 or better and the assessment date is on or before the entered End Date entered on the extract editor. This includes prior school years and the current school year. Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N | Assessment >National Test > ACT Assessment > ACT Composite Scale Score | |||||||||||||||||||||
700 | Readiness for PS Success –ASVAB | Indicates whether the student met the designated standard on the ASVAB examination. Y reports when an assessment with the subject ASVAB has a Passing Score and the assessment date is on or before the End Date entered on the extract editor. This includes prior school years and the current school year. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Assessment > Subject > ASVAB Assessment > Score | |||||||||||||||||||||
710 | Readiness for PS Success – Seal of Biliteracy | Indicates whether the student earned the Seal of Biliteracy. Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N | Graduation > State Seal Information | |||||||||||||||||||||
720 | Readiness for PS Success – Apprenticeship | This field always reports N. | N/A | |||||||||||||||||||||
730 | Filler | This field reports as a blank filler field. | N/A | |||||||||||||||||||||
740 | Dual Enrollment – Participated | Indicates whether the student participated in a duel enrollment opportunity. Y reports when the student has been enrolled in a course where the SCED Course Level is DE and the assessment date is on or before the End Date entered on the extract editor. This includes prior school years and the current school year. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Schedule Course Information > SCED Course Level | |||||||||||||||||||||
750 | Dual Enrollment – Earned Credit | Indicates whether the student earned credit for a dual enrollment opportunity. Y reports when the student has been enrolled in a course where the SCED Course Level is DE, the credit value is greater than 0 and the assessment date is on or before the End Date entered on the extract editor. This includes prior school years and the current school year. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Schedule Course Information > SCED Course Level | |||||||||||||||||||||
760 | Filler | This field reports as a blank filler field. | N/A | |||||||||||||||||||||
770 | CCR-Subject Assessment Status-Math | Indicates that the student was assessed for College and Career Readiness in Math prior to their 11th Grade year. Permitted Values 00 = Not Applicable 01 = Yes, student was assessed for Math 02 = No, student was not assessed for MathNumeric, 2 digits | Assessment > Test Score Detail > Waiver Assessment >
| |||||||||||||||||||||
780 | CCR-Subject Eligibility Status-Math | Indicates that the student met College & Career Readiness in Math prior to their 11th Grade year. Permitted Values 00 = Not applicable 01= Student met the interim standard for Math 02 = Student did not meet the interim standard for MathNumeric, 2 digits | Assessment > Test Score Detail > Waiver Assessment Tab >
| |||||||||||||||||||||
790 | CCR-Subject Assessment Status-English | Indicates that the student was assessed for College and Career Readiness in English prior to their 11th Grade year. Permitted Values 00 = Not Applicable 01 = Yes, student was assessed for English 02 = No, student was not assessed for EnglishNumeric, 2 digits | ||||||||||||||||||||||
800 | CCR-Subject Eligibility Status-English | Indicates that the student met the College & Career Readiness standard in English prior to their 11th grade year. Permitted Values 00 = Not applicable 01= Student met the interim standard for English 02 = Student did not meet the interim standard for English | N/A | |||||||||||||||||||||
810 | Filler | This field reports as a blank filler field. | N/A | |||||||||||||||||||||
820 | 9th Grade Tracker | This field reports as a blank filler field. | N/A | |||||||||||||||||||||
830 | W 9th Grade - Credits Accumulated | This field reports as a blank filler field. | N/A | |||||||||||||||||||||
840 | 9th Grade - Semester Core Course Failures | This field reports as a blank filler field. | N/A | |||||||||||||||||||||
850 | Accountability Reporting School | The code assigned to the building. If the school tied to the student's enrollment is a type of 99, then the school number from the Providing School field on the student's enrollment reports. Otherwise, the Home School number from the student’s enrollment reports. If the Home School field is null, the school number on the school table tied to the Enrollment reports. Alphanumeric, 4 characters | School Information> Type > 99 Enrollment > Special Ed Fields > Providing School (Enrollment.providingschool) Enrollment > Home School School Information > State School number (School at time of enrollment) |
Calculated Assessment Status Codes
Calculated Assessment Status Code | Reports |
10: Passed | 10 |
11: Combined Score | 11 |
12: Completed Bridge Program | 12 |
13: Substitute Test | 13 |
14: Participation Met Grad Requirement | 14 |
15: Course Credit | 15 |
16: Second Semester Transfer | 16 |
17: Waiver | 17 |
18: Non-Diploma/Certificate of Completion Student | 18 |
30: Passing Assessment Required but not taken | 30 |
31: Failed | 31 |